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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. But your leader in Moscow is so truthful, right? Putin is a lying son of a bitch just like you.
  2. You are so fucking boring. Like I said before you may need to start posting in Russian because you have run out of English words to use in your comments, Russian agent Golfer.
  3. You're illiterate. I don't have a clue as to what the fuck you are trying to say.
  4. News flash for you. Trump is no longer president either, so why do you and O_U812 talk about him with almost every comment you post?
  5. But in a recent interview Obama said that Biden's presidency was his third term, so the Biden policies are in reality the Obama policies. Especially since "Sleepy Joe" doesn't know where he is half the time.
  6. Nice video of yourself playing soccer, comrade Golfer. Was that filmed in Moscow?
  7. The one thing I got out of the summit is that Putin hates America almost as much as Joe Biden hates America.
  8. There was nothing worth watching. Those meetings mean absolutely nothing. Just one big phony show for the ignorant masses.
  9. Here goes the one trick pony Russian again with the same old boring line.
  10. The truth that you are too fucking ignorant to write a coherent sentence. You from Mars or where? Most of the time I have no fucking idea what you are even saying. Sounds more like pig Latin than English.
  11. So that's the new line you stole from someone else? Guess you wore out the projection and gaslighting lines. Have you ever had an original thought in your entire life?
  12. You left reality a long time ago and I don't think you are ever coming back.
  13. Strange to see Democrats embracing the war monger Liz Cheney, but I guess they make lots of money off those wars. If Ashli Babbitt had been a BLM member who invaded the White House when Trump was president and had been shot by the Secret Service Democrats would be demanding the officer be arrested and charged with murder.
  14. And students need to be allowed to freely debate pro and con the theory without being punished for voicing opposition to the theory.
  15. How would you know? Were you there when Biden was talking to Putin in secret? You have absolutely no way of knowing what was said in their meetings, so why do you act as if you do?.
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