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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Or maybe Joe Manchin is loyal to the U.S. Constitution and the rules of the U.S. Senate.
  2. But you can't see Joe Biden's mental and physical problems that everyone else in the world sees?
  3. And the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) continues for O_U812 and Golfer. LMAO They must live very boring lives.
  4. The Obama administration would not allow the Benghazi survivors to testify before the Benghazi committee.
  5. I guess that's what you do when you don't have a real life. Don't you get tired of sitting in mommy and daddys' basement banging on a keyboard?
  6. Fauci is a scientist who does not make recommendations based upon scientific findings. He makes recommendations based upon his gut feelings, not science. When questioned in depth about his past recommendations he even admits that many decisions were based upon his gut feelings even though there was scientific evidence contradicting his feelings.
  7. The only real wackos are people like you and O_U812. You prove every time you post a comment.
  8. Steve Schmidt is the Washington, D.C. establishment loser who managed the John McCain presidential campaign and is a Mitt Romney supporter.
  9. Until the bill comes due for all the free money along with inflation and a stagnant economy.
  10. Gov.Patterson (Democrat) can now join Sen Robert Byrd, Sen. Al Gore Sr., and Sen. Jay William Fulbright, three other Democrat segregationists.
  11. Because the commission will be run by Democrats and Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwellers. The findings of the commission would be no different than the findings of a Democrat run Congressional committee. The only reason the Democrats want a commission is so that they can claim the findings of the investigation are bi-partisan and non-political which would be a big lie. The commission would be just as biased and unfair as was the Mueller investigation.
  12. Sounds like the BBC fucked up another story. It was Democrat voters on a native American reservation who were being paid to vote.
  13. I guess that explains why the Republican Party in Arizona is so fucked up. Must be the establishment rino John McCain wing of the Arizona Republican Party.
  14. Why are you and Democrats afraid of Fauci testifying before a committee run by Democrats?
  15. Golfer and O_U812 have such a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that I don't think it is possible for either of them to go a whole day without posting something on this thread attacking President Trump. If anyone is living rent free in someone's brain it is Donald Trump living in the brains of O_U812 and Golfer.😏
  16. Per Dr. Fauci's emails it appears he knew the Covid-19 virus most likely originated in a Wuhan lab. Also, appears he may have helped to keep that fact from becoming public knowledge.
  17. The tooth fairy is in the White House right now passing out trillions of dollars in taxpayer money to buy votes and popularity from American voters.
  18. Sounds like you also might need to spend some time in a padded cell.
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