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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And when are ANTIFA, BLM, and evil liberal progressives like you going to have their Harvey Weinstein moment?
  2. Democrats have run most of our major cities for 50 or more years and have failed miserably in curbing crime in those cities. Your solutions don't work. Rudy Giuliani cleaned up New York City and succeeding Democrat mayors have again turned the city into a crime infested cesspool.
  3. Why? Because I don't think the way you do. People are people. It is you that judges people by the color of their skin, not me. It is liberal progressive Democrats like you who have caused the current race divide in this country.
  4. Gun laws are not the answer. Criminals don't obey laws. All more gun laws will do is take guns away of from law abiding people. Something needs to be done about the culture of inner city violence, and police need to be allowed to do their job.
  5. Keep your fucking Russian ass out of American business, comrade asshole.
  6. Gun reform laws are not the answer. Cities with the strictest gun laws have some of the highest crime rates. The violent culture of those cities needs to be changed. Almost all the people where I live own guns, but they don't kill each other. Gun laws only work for people who obey laws. There are laws against murder, so why do those laws against murder not stop the killing? Anyone who is willing to break the law against murder will also break gun laws.
  7. You are the real racist, little Russian agent. I want the violence in our cities to end, so that all races there can live in peace. Black people are the primary victims of inner city crime. You and Democrats care nothing about ending the violence and crime.
  8. So, it's not Trump supporters and White supremacists like you claim who are killing Black people in our cities. The vast majority of Black people killed in our inner cities are killed by other Black people. But you and the news media don't care about those victims, you only care about the killings that promote your false narrative of wide spread violence by White people against Black people. That's why people like you, the news media, and Democrats do nothing to stop the violence in our cities. You just plain don't care about innocent, law abiding, hard working Black people.
  9. No, I want innocent people, including innocent Black people, to be able to protect themselves from inner city gang bangers, since Democrats are limiting the police's ability to protect them.
  10. That Black people kill other Black people at an alarmingly high rate in our inner cities is a "fact", and Democrats don't give a damn about the people being killed.
  11. Yeah, Black person on Black person. Sorry you can't handle real facts, snowflake.
  12. And if one of the employees had a gun they could have stopped him. Also, the great liberal progressive state of California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.
  13. And everyday in St.Louis, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Kansas City there are Black on Black murders.
  14. I see Joe Biden invited the George Floyd family to the White House. Wonder why he didn't invite the family of Jaslyn Adams? On April 19, 2021 seven year old Jaslyn Adams was shot and killed while sitting in her parents' vehicle in the drive thru lane of a McDonalds restaurant in Chicago by a drive-by shooter. In my opinion the family of an innocent seven year old girl is more deserving of a visit to the White House than is the family of a convicted criminal ( George Floyd). Oh yeah, Jaslyn Adams was also African-American just like George Floyd.
  15. I saw a video of the gun running out of the building after shooting those people. Hope the police catch the gun and the courts prosecute it to the fullest extent of the law.
  16. Doubt it. Almost all government employees in California are Democrats.
  17. And you are accusing me of projection? All those beautiful Russian women and all you have is your hand for satisfaction?
  18. If in your view my being in opposition to Putin and his tyrannical government makes me a traitor, so be it. I don't profess loyalty to Russia like you do.
  19. A more accurate evaluation is that Democrats are unwilling to work with Republicans. It's Democrats' way or the highway. Democrats are just putting on a show for the news media pretending to be negotiating with Republicans in order to justify their go it alone in passing the legislation. Republicans should do nothing to help Democrats with their wasteful spending, so that when the spending results in adverse results for the economy the Democrats will get all the blame.
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