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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That's sounds like a Stalinist Soviet show trial where the person is already convicted before the trial. I guess that's the type trial you're use to.
  2. I have confidence in Hunter though. He'll find another way to get into trouble. He's a professional screw up.😉
  3. Talk about karma. ANTIFA just put out a video threatening the life of the Portland,OR mayor. The same mayor who protected ANTIFA and BLM from the federal government and President Trump during the 2020 Portland riots.
  4. Coming back in spite of Biden, and if Biden gets all the spending he wants we will have hyperinflation which will destroy people who live off fixed incomes.
  5. Doesn't matter whether I like your response or not. Your response is wrong because it is wrong, period.
  6. You got it ass backwards, dude. Manchin and Sinema are not backing the end of the filibuster because their constituents don't want it ended. And when the Republicans take over the Senate O_U812 will also be opposed to ending the filibuster.😉
  7. Democrat governors wrecked the economy by a needless shutdown of their states' economies.
  8. You ignorant dumb ass, the Trump economy was booming previous to the covid pandemic. Your answer is laughable.
  9. The DOJ and FBI in Washington,D.C. were so deeply corrupted by the Obama presidency that I no longer trust anything they do.
  10. When you increase the money supply without a corresponding increase in the supply of products and services you get higher prices. Too many dollars chasing too few goods and services results in inflation and devaluation of the currency. Paying people more to not work than to work will artificially raise wages which will result in higher prices for almost all products and services.
  11. If the Democrats would just wait for Republicans to take over the U.S. Senate they could then get bipartisan support for ending the filibuster.
  12. You need to get Golfer back online. You're not getting any "likes" for your comments.
  13. So Gaetz should be removed from office and sent to prison before being charged with a crime and without a trial?
  14. Maybe during the 2020 presidential campaign Kamala Harris convinced them that the vaccines were not safe.😉
  15. Biden's inflationary policies are beginning to show up in grocery store prices.
  16. You are the one who put it out there for all the world to see, pervert.
  17. No, I'm saying someone is innocent until proven guilty. If Gaetz committed those crimes why has he not been arrested by the FBI?
  18. So says the fool who has an avatar of himself holding his dick. LMAO
  19. Greenberg is probably more dishonest than he is dumb. He most likely wrote the letter telling the FBI the lies they wanted to hear in hopes of saving his own ass from criminal prosecution.
  20. If O_U812 actually read the blogs he posts maybe ho would know that The Daily Beast said they have a copy of the Greenberg letter.
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