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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I'm afraid of what idiots like you are going to do to this country.
  2. That's because President Trump did not incite violence nor plot a coup. All he did was contest the results of an election just like Hillary Clinton did in 2016.
  3. He is a hell of a lot more intelligent than Maxine Waters, AOC, and you. You are bad mouthing Herschel just because he is Black and you are a racist bigot.
  4. Who cares about Alex Jones? Most of the 75 million people who voted for Trump don't even know nor care who Alex Jones is.
  5. Says the toilet cleaner who understands absolutely nothing about the scientific process.😏
  6. Even if the globe is warming there is no proof that the warming is man made, nor that there is anything man can do to substantially lower the temperature.
  7. The portion of the graph YOU posted did not show from 1950 to present. Period.
  8. The period from 1950 to present was not on the graph posted by O_U812.
  9. I'm not talking about the article. I'm talking about the graph that O_U812 posted on this thread which did not prove what he said it proves.
  10. The graph you posted on this thread shows only data previous to 1950.
  11. Sorry you can't deal with reality. Inner city shootings and killings happen on a regular basis every day, the national main stream just does not report on them. They are just accepted as a way of life in the inner cities of our country.
  12. You also said the guy in the video was beating on the one Black woman before the other women attacked him. And then you said the guy was me.
  13. You said I was the guy hitting the woman in the video you posted.
  14. Guns are not the problem. The problem is a culture that has such a low regard for human life. That culture is most prevalent in our inner cities.
  15. I don't hit women. That's more like your style, since any man would kick your wimpy snowflake ass.
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