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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You would't accept it anyway. Even the Biden Administration no longer denies that the number of immigrants crossing the border has greatly increased.
  2. And apparently all you ever read are the left wing propaganda blogs you post on this thread.
  3. I just saw Maxine Waters on Fox News in Minnesota marching and promoting insurrection. Wonder if the main stream media will report on her subversive behavior?
  4. Democrats are the problem.So the way to solve that problem is to vote them out of office.
  5. Until you started talking about Qanon I didn't even know who those crazy people were. I had never heard of them nor the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers.
  6. Biden has definitely increased the number of illegal aliens coming across our southern border. I'll give you that one.
  7. And you are a simpleton who just throws out words which have no connection to reality. But I guess that is to be expected considering that you have no connection to reality.
  8. You and the Golfer are the ones who behave as if Trump is still president. I'm trying to deal with the sad and tragic reality that "Sleepy Joe" Biden is now president.
  9. That comment is laughable coming from a little parasite who has lived off his mommy and daddy and American taxpayers his whole life and has contributed absolutely nothing to the improvement of the United States of America. All you and your ANTIFA thug buddies have to offer the country are destruction and anarchy. In other words you are the walking, talking personification of a worthless loser. You are a disgrace to America and a disgrace to the human race.
  10. I read. I just don't read the indoctrinating propaganda garbage you read.
  11. It was she and you who brought up race because that is all liberal progressives like you and she see when they look at people. You and she judge people by the color of their skin rather than by the content of their character. So you and she are the true racists and haters.
  12. But it's ok for this woman to say that White people are not human beings, right?
  13. Calling people racists is all you've got? How shallow and evil you are.
  14. When you call everyone a White supremacist and a racist the terms no longer have any meaning. The left just uses those labels to shut up their opposition so that they can avoid debating real issues in a rational manner.
  15. The guy who shot Steve Scalise was a staunch, radical Bernie Sanders supporter and that is a documented fact.
  16. I don't read things that promote race hatred. I'll leave that for you. I also don't hate myself nor the color of my skin like you do.
  17. And higher taxes along with strangling government regulations is what forced them to move overseas. If corporate tax rates are increased that is exactly what will happen again.
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