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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. That is a perfect description of Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran.😏
  2. Looks like the DAILYKOS is afraid of a platform that will allow people to expose the lies and propaganda put forth by the DAILYKOS and other left wing propaganda blogs.
  3. So you think I should read Chinese and Russian propaganda to inform myself? No, thank you. You read and write enough of it for both of us.
  4. That's because your limited mind has nothing new to say, so you just keep repeating the same garbage over and over and over.
  5. And RAWSTORY and DAILY BEAST went with that story as their headline because their purpose is to stir up shit anyway they possibly can. They know that many people just read headlines and not the full story. I bet the guy who possessed a gun without a permit never ever lied to his mom, right?
  6. If he hadn't resisted arrest he probably would not have gone to trial because the George Soros hand picked social justice warrior prosecuting attorney would have dropped all charges against him.
  7. What a stupid ass comment. That's something I would expect from an indoctrinated Russian or Chinese agent, but not an American citizen. Is that why you call yourself Golfer to cover who you really are? I don't think you have ever played golf.
  8. O_U812 not here? Must be in Minnesota helping his ANTIFA buddies riot and loot.
  9. Wonder if the left wing Apple management will refuse to unlock Matt Gaetz's phone like they refused to unlock the phone of the Pensacola terrorist for AG Barr in Jan. 2020?
  10. But not one time since being put in charge of immigration policy by "Sleepy Joe".
  11. In that case the Washington Post and New York Times will probably have access to everything on the phone next week since that is what the FBI now does with confidential information.
  12. How is it that you know so much about the constitutions of China and Russia? Studied them a lot have you, comrade?
  13. Every time you post a comment you destroy yourself by revealing how much of an ignorant uninformed indoctrinated asshole you are.😉
  14. Democrats coined the term progressivism to disguise communism because they knew Americans would never accept communism.
  15. I see how their governments operate. Why do I need to read propaganda written by communists about their governments? In reality right now the government of Russia is Putin and the government of China is Xi Jinping.
  16. The government policies of China and Russia sound just like what liberal progressives are advocating for in this country.
  17. In your mind anyone that does not accept your liberal progressive socialist/Marxist ideology is traitor. You are bullshit.
  18. All you know how to do is stereotype people who disagree with your political,social and economic ideologies. Typical tactic of a dishonest leftist.
  19. A government run economy and society. Beijing, Moscow and the Democratic Party share that goal.
  20. Moscow and Being economic and social policies are more in line with the Democrats' economic and social programs than with the Republicans'.
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