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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. If Biden is so popular with Americans as you claim, why did he not win more counties? Why does rural America not support Joe Biden? Also, why did Democrats lose so many seats in the House in 2020 if their policies are so popular with the American people?
  2. Per usafacts.org Florida is not even the Covid-19 capital of the U.S. As of two days ago California had 3.5 million cases and Florida had just over 2 million cases. The number of deaths from Covid_19 are as follows: California- 57,000; New York-49,000;Texas-46,000;Florida-33,000.
  3. So you just proved what I said was true. It is not normal for a winning presidential candidate to win so few counties.
  4. Here is are a couple strange statistics. Joe Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate, but won a record low number of counties. Even though Biden received over 81 million votes he only won 17% of U.S. counties.
  5. I agree the Washington Post is trash. But calling it right wing is beyond laughable.
  6. This YouTube video is not even the phone call that The Washington Post wrote it's story about. The phone call in the YouTube video was made Jan. 2,2021. The phone call The Washington Post wrote about was made Dec.13, 2020.
  7. Don't waste your time trying to talk reality to O_U812 or the Golfer. Reality escaped their minds many, many years ago. They are lost in the liberal progressive socialist Marxist propaganda of the Democratic Party, and anyone who disagrees with them is an evil racist right wing White supremacist neo-Nazi fascist pig.
  8. A released audio tape of the actual call is why the Washington Post had to retract their story. The tape proved that the Washington Post story was a lie. The tape revealed that Trump did not say what the Washington Post alleged he said.
  9. If Joe should happen to die I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats and Obama with the cooperation of the news media hid his death and tried to pull off a "Weekend at Bernie's" type scam for the rest of "Sleepy Joe's" presidency. 😉
  10. If Wray were to pull his head out of his politically biased ass maybe he could see the violence that is being conducted every night by ANTIFA and BLM in the cities of Portland and Seattle.
  11. Be sure to check under your bed for QAnon,Proud Boys, and White supremacists before going to sleep tonight.
  12. At least they are not burning and destroying property like ANTIFA and BLM are in Portland and Seattle. Besides, the vast majority of these college students partying in Miami are liberal progressives who vote for Democrats.😏
  13. During the presidential campaign Biden said he was going to shut down the keystone pipeline and sign an executive order that would require schools to allow biological male transgenders to participate in female sports? Sorry, I missed that from Joe during the campaign.
  14. I just heard on the news today that the U.S. government will be flying new immigrants from our southern border to states that are on the Canadian border for processing. Get your welcome mat ready. LMAO
  15. How long before the Golfer or O_U812 tells us that Joe Biden did not fall while going up the steps to Air Force 1, but that the person who fell was actually a QAnon Biden impersonator?
  16. Napolean was more famous, important and successful than you or Biden will ever be.
  17. Since the vast majority of college students vote for Democrats, I think Republicans in Florida should post signs on the beaches saying, "Joe Biden, Dr.Fauci and the Democrats want to close Florida beaches during spring break."😉
  18. So you are saying you don't watch CNN and MSNBC which bash White males 24/7?
  19. Bet you weren't saying that from Jan.,2017 thru Dec.,2018 when the Republicans held control of the House, Senate and White House, hypocrite.
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