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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Your conscience bothering you about not joining the military, tough little ANTIFA snowflake? The military is better off without you anyway. They don't need gutless cowards like you.😏
  2. Your caught up in your own personal mental prison of Trump derangement syndrome.
  3. That's right, you and the Democrats only take advice from China, Russia, Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea.
  4. You stole one of my lines. If you are going to make put down comments at least use your own material. I guess you been spending too much time around your hero "Sleepy Joe" and caught his plagiarism bug.
  5. It's just that sane conversation sounds like "stupid shit" to insane people like you.
  6. No, you stupid son of a bitch, I said I spent my time in the military and then moved on with my life. But you were and are too much of a fucking coward to enlist yourself. In my opinion, pieces of shit like you don't even deserve to live in this country. You expect other Americans to risk their lives protecting YOU and this country but you don't have the courage to do it yourself. In my book that makes you nothing more than a parasitic piece of garbage living off the blood of other brave Americans.
  7. That's why Trump was elected president. He had enough guts to take on the Democrats, the Washington D.C. establishment, and the "fakes news" news media.
  8. Jesus, your mind is so fucking limited. You just keep repeating the same childish lines over and over and over.
  9. If you believe your propaganda blogs are reality you have serious mental problems.
  10. The Vice President and members of the cabinet, "or such other body as Congress may by law provide" initiate the action to remove a president. If the president refuses to leave office once the action has been initiated " Congress shall decide the issue". It would then take a 2/3s vote of both Houses of Congress to remove the president from office and declare the Vice President president. With Trump as president and Pence as vice president, the only way the 25th Amendment would have been enacted is through the action of the Democrat run Congress.
  11. If Donald Trump had behaved as Joe Biden has behaved Congress would have used the 25th Amendment to remove him from office within the first month of his presidency.
  12. Senator Durbin is from my state. His current statement about doing away with the filibuster just shows how dishonest and phony he is. In 2018 he was very vocal in his support of the filibuster when Senate Democrats were using the 60 vote rule to stop Republican legislation from passing.
  13. Your problem with ALTNET.ORG is that you actually believe it is real news.
  14. In addition to being a threat to American's jobs, large numbers of immigrants coming into our country will overwhelm our healthcare system, education system, welfare programs, and help to further bankrupt our country.
  15. You are the one who seems to be upset, not me. Having trouble with the fact I've exposed you as a coward who is afraid to join the military, but believes other Americans should risk their lives to defend your freedom?
  16. Why would I want to enlist for a second tour when people like you and "the Prick" have yet to do your first tour? If they lower the standards for courage and patriotism you might have a chance of being accepted, you cowardly piece of shit. 😏
  17. The military is in the process of lowering it's physical requirements so that more women can qualify for service. Maybe the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB will do the same thing, so that women can qualify to play in those leagues.
  18. The new Secretary of Defense appears to have stronger loyalties to the Democratic Party than he does to the U.S. or the U.S. Constitution.
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