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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The Democrats disguised Joe Biden as a moderate Democrat during the presidential primary and general elections. If "Sleepy Joe" as a presidential candidate had supported the policies he is now implementing as president he and the Democrats would have lost the 2020 election in a landslide.
  2. You've been eating food supplied by your parents for years and living rent free in their basement because you are nothing more than an immature loudmouth helpless parasite.
  3. And each day Biden gives us more reason to cry about the damage he is doing to America.
  4. Shit on by paternalistic White supremacist liberal progressives like you who treat minorities as if they are too stupid to take care of themselves. Liberal progressive welfare programs have promoted dependency among minorities and kept them forever poor, uneducated, and slaves of the Democratic Party.
  5. (How?) If you clean the shit out of your ears you could hear Democrats and the news media verbally attacking American White males every day. (Why?) Democrats use hatred of White males to turn out their non-White voters in elections.
  6. Yes, they're all American citizens so the same regulations apply to all of them.
  7. So now you are coming to the defense of a known Chinese Communist spy? Kind of tells us who you are, doesn't it?
  8. O_U812 is like all the leaders of the Democratic Party. They are so consumed with obtaining power over the American people that they can see nothing else. They are Democrats first, citizens of the world second, and Americans a very distant third, if at all.
  9. The political party that is promoting hatred in the U.S. right now is the Democratic Party. They are openly and purposely promoting hatred of American White males.
  10. So you are saying that Black people are too dumb to follow the same voting regulations as White people? Doesn't that kind of thinking make you a liberal bigoted White supremacist racist?
  11. Bet Barack Obama and Kamala Harris are intently studying the 25th Amendment right now.
  12. SNL's Chevy Chase would mock Gerald Ford every time he stumbled. Bet SNL doesn't do one skit about Biden falling.
  13. Just a rationalization from a woman who has no principles and no integrity. Wonder if she consulted with her driver,the Chinese spy, before making that statement?😏
  14. Kamala Harris' poll numbers were so bad in the Democrat presidential primary that she dropped out before one primary election had taken place. She couldn't even win a poll in her home state of California among Democrat voters.
  15. I think you just solved the mystery with your non-denial answer.😏
  16. No, this is just an attempt by the devious, dishonest Democrats in the House to overturn the results of a fair election because they want to get rid of a Republican.
  17. Sorry, I need to end the fun. I'm going to meet my girlfriend for lunch. BYE.
  18. No, that's what leftist thugs like you, Stalin and Mao would have done.
  19. Republicans did not try to remove anyone after they had already been sworn in to office. They contested the results of an election before the Democrat had been sworn in.
  20. Don't need to have anything. You prove you are lying or ignorant with your own words.
  21. Actually, I've been up for several hours. I don't need 18 hours of sleep a day like "Sleepy Joe" Biden.
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