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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The woke left's typical response to anyone that doesn't agree with them is to silence the dissenter. That's why I call them Stalinist. Their message is, 'Join in the group think or shut up!'
  2. Only things most of that 77% knew about the bill because of the news media was about the a $1400 payments, the $300/ week unemployment benefit, the money to reopen schools and the money to expedite covid vaccinations. The other 91% of the bill which was spending for Democrat pork projects was not explained to the American public by the news media.
  3. The fastest way to get back to pre-covid normal in the U.S. is to vote all Democrats out of office.😉
  4. How many years before the government is passing out WIN (Whip Inflation Now) buttons like they did in the 1970s?
  5. Obama's new name should be "The Wizard" as he operates behind the curtain to run the Biden presidency.
  6. Wonder if Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee still believes our astronauts landed on Mars and placed a U.S. flag there? Also, I wonder if Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson is still afraid that the island of Guam will "tip over and capsize"?
  7. Anyone that depends upon RAWSTORY.COM, DAILYKOS.COM, and ALTERNET.ORG as their news sources can't be too intelligent.
  8. Wonder how happy those people will be about the American Rescue Plan when that gallon of milk costs them $10?
  9. Looks like Obama will use the Biden presidency to enact all the liberal progressive policies he dreamed of forcing upon the American people during his eight years as president.
  10. Poor "Sleepy Joe" doesn't even know the names of his Cabinet members.
  11. American voters rejected Bernie Sanders because he was too progressive. Now Bernie is calling moderate "Sleepy Joe" Biden's covid-19 relief bill the most progressive piece of legislation ever passed by Congress.
  12. What is really ironic is that it is the young people who will be stuck with paying the debt who are the ones voting for the big spenders.
  13. How high an interest rate will the bonds need to pay in order to attract buyers? And when interest rates go up you can kiss the economy good-bye.
  14. What bill? The one they will be sending to American taxpayers to cover the spending?
  15. Gigantic victory for Joe and the Democrats. Now when are they going to do something for the American people.
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