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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Until you explain why you are too much of a coward to join the military while at the same time saying we should have American troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and numerous other locations around the world. Why should other people risk their lives to protect this country and the rest of the world when you are not willing to do the same?
  2. Since you believe the troops should still be there why have you never joined the military to do your part?
  3. No,that would mean they are people who want the government to operate for the benefit of the American middle class and not the elitist ruling class.
  4. The rinos will be replaced in the primary elections with people who represent the interests of working class Americans instead of the interests of the Washington D.C. establishment.
  5. Because both O_U812 and Golfer insist that the U.S. needs to have troops stationed all around the world. They want to send other Americans off to risk their lives protecting the world, but are too cowardly to do it themselves.
  6. He will never get the truth from a Democrat. They are not capable of being truthful. If Democrat politicians were ever truthful when campaigning for office they would never get elected.
  7. That's all? Typical liberal progressive loser. Long on talk and promises and short on action.
  8. To the Democrats when voters realize that the so called moderate Democrats are full blown liberal progressive socialists.
  9. So why do you allow other Americans to do the protecting for you? Why don't you do your part to protect the world from Russia and Putin? Put your body where your big mouth is and join the military to help protect the world and America.
  10. USA Today? A source you rely on to put their liberal progressive spin on a story.
  11. What the hell have you ever done to help anyone? You fucking self righteous phony.
  12. And you can join the military right now, and you know it. The only thing stopping you is the permanent yellow streak down the middle of your back. 😉
  13. The truth is that Dr.Levine intends to use her government position to promote sex change procedures among America's troubled and confused youth, but she does not want the American public to know it.
  14. Because when Republicans discovered he was a fraud they stayed home and didn't bother to vote and allowed him to lose.
  15. Typical liberal progressive double speak tactic used to avoid giving a straightforward answer to a direct question.
  16. Does the liberal progressive conspiracy decoder ring come out of a Post cereal box or a Kellogg' cereal box or do I need to buy a jar of Ovaltine? LMAO
  17. And when are you going to grow a spine and join the military that you say needs to be stationed all around the world. Yeah, the people with the American flags believe in individual freedom. The Islamist want to make people slaves of Islam.
  18. Check the internet, Fuck face. There are stories about this posted by at least 20 different sources.
  19. So when Rand Paul asked Biden's HHS appointee, Dr. Levine, if parents should be consulted before a doctor performs sex change procedures on their minor child why would she not answer the question?
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