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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The Washington D.C. establishment and the news media keep trying to portray Mitt Romney as the new head of the Republican Party. He may be Washington D.C.'s new head, but he will never be the leader of the GOP for Republican and MAGA voters.😉
  2. Wonder if Golfer will ever get tired of talking to himself? When will he realize that no one else is reading any of the propaganda he posts on here?
  3. So why are you posting something from an organization which has lost all credibility?
  4. The real "squalid" sexual perverts and financial scammers reside among the leadership of the The Lincoln Project.
  5. Without lies you and Democrats would never have anything to say.😉
  6. Another phony story created by Maggie Hagerman. Trump is no longer president, so what does he need with advisers, especially spineless advisers who are afraid of their own shadows.
  7. Next week New York prosecutors will probably begin an investigation of Baron Trump and his school as the Democrat witch hunt expands.
  8. But you never use nasty names to describe President Trump and other Republicans, do you? Just another demonstration of your hypocrisy.
  9. Sorry, but Romney, Murkowski, Collins, Toomey, Sasse, Burr, and Cassidy did much more than just criticize Trump. They voted to convict him in the unconstitutional Senate impeachment trial.
  10. After the 2022 election Liz Cheney will no longer be a member of Congress. She will be replaced in the 2022 primary and in Congress by another Republican candidate.
  11. OMG,I wouldn't wish that on anyone! If I had to choose between Hillary being my love bunny or the electric chair, I wouldn't need more than five seconds to choose the chair.
  12. You may need to take take that advice for yourself. And the truths I say about you are embarrassing for you, not for me.
  13. But just a few days ago "Lurch" said we have only 9 years to save the planet from climate change. Have you forgotten Obama's "Cash for Clunkers" program? And since you have more than one air polluting car you may be a prime target of Kerry's climate police at sometime in the near future.
  14. And your continual denial of truth won't make it go away. Without lies Democrats like you would have nothing to say.
  15. Better hide it before John Kerry seizes it as part of his new environmental policy.
  16. A Covid-19 relief package that is packed with pork project spending that has nothing to do with covid-19 relief, like money for a bridge from New York to Canada, money for the Bay Area Rapid Transit, money for Planned Parenthood and money for numerous other things that have nothing to do with recovering from a pandemic.
  17. That comment just shows how uninformed or dishonest you are, you might want to check facts on the internet before posting such a comment. Keep believing your propaganda blogs and never allow any real facts to enter in.
  18. You are more of a racist than Rush ever was, you phony asshole. Rush's call screener for his radio show was a Black man.
  19. CC is technically fucked up today. It takes forever for a comment to post.
  20. While Trump was president well over 1 million people per day were being vaccinated with the covid-19 vaccine.
  21. And hopefully the government official who leaks the confidential information will be arrested, prosecuted and sent to prison.
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