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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Anyone who believes that Trump is going to call on "his buddies" to raid the Capitol is a raving lunatic.
  2. Trump did not tell people to invade the Capitol Building. In his own words from the Jan. 6 speech he told people to 'peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard'.
  3. Don't know. Need a thorough honest investigation to find out who they were. There still has not been an official report released explaining the cause of death for the police officer who died. Also, we need the results of the investigation to determine whether or not the shooting of an unarmed woman in the Capitol Building was justified.
  4. 99% of the 74 million people who voted for President Trump have no idea who the stupid Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, or Boogaloos are. Members of those groups are just as wacko as are the members of BLM and ANTIFA.
  5. So now Biden's people are going to put me in jail or a mental institution for living in my home and expressing my opinions in CC?
  6. You are a White supremacist disguised as someone who cares about minorities. You believe that minorities are too inferior to White people to make it in life without the help of liberal progressive White people. I, on the other hand, see minorities as equal in abilities to White people and not in need of special help.
  7. BLM and ANTIFA invaded, looted and burned American cities including Washington, D.C.
  8. I know, that's what Trump's policies did. But the Biden policies of higher taxes and more government regulations on businesses will not create more jobs.
  9. No. I have never backed a violent overthrow of the government at any time.
  10. Jay Rosen, whoever he is, is talking intellectual jibberish detached from reality.
  11. American citizens are doing everything they can to get the country back to normal while Democrats, the news media and Washington D.C. bureaucrats are doing everything they can to keep it from happening.
  12. At least I served in our military which is more than a coward like you can say.😉
  13. Joe Biden said the Chinese Communists' imprisonment of millions of Chinese Uighurs is just in accordance with Chinese cultural norms. Wonder how long before it will become a U.S. cultural norm to imprison 74 million Trump supporters?
  14. In a recent tv town hall Joe Biden said he "Likes children more than people."
  15. I don't even consider you to be an American, you little punk ANTIFA snowflake. The next time you and your ANTIFA buddies burn, loot and destroy American businesses I hope some cop or business owner bashes in your head.
  16. I know enough to know that you are a loud mouth coward who wants other Americans to risk their lives as soldiers overseas while you sit safely on your lazy ass in the U.S. because you are too much of a coward to go yourself. Such a hypocrite you are.
  17. It's O_U812 and the Golfer who are saying that the U.S. needs to have our soldiers stationed all around the world, not me. I agreed with Trump's policy of bringing American troops back home. Both O_U812 and the Golfer say we need to have troops risking their lives overseas but they are not willing to go themselves. In my book that makes them hypocrites and cowards.
  18. This photo is a vivid illustration of the sick, perverted mindset of the German people which allowed a lunatic like Adolf Hitler to become Chancellor. In the 1930s they roasted Jews like pigs, now they want to roast a former U.S. president.
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