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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You have no problem with a doctor performing sex change procedures on a minor without consulting with the minor's parents?
  2. But I'm not as mean as them. I hope they don't die of old age either.
  3. That's why Joe Walsh is a FORMER Republican House member. The people of Illinois kicked his RINO ass out of Congress.
  4. Is this good enough for you? On Feb. 24 House Democrats sent a letter to Joe Biden demanding that he relinquish sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. The letter was signed by 31 Democrat House members including Jimmy Paneta, Ted W. Lieu, Ro Khana, Barbara Lee, Steve Cohen, Mark Pocan, Premila Jayapal, Ilhan Omar, and Ayana Presley.
  5. Any guy that takes a photo of himself holding his dick gives me the heebie_jebbies.
  6. You really ought to check news sources other than your propaganda blogs every now and then, you might learn something.
  7. And word by word Joe Biden and the Democrats are erasing more and more of Americans' rights and freedoms.
  8. Even Democrats in Congress don't trust "Sleepy Joe" with the nuclear codes.
  9. No, I actually never ever voted for nor worshiped Barack Obama who is now in his third term as president.
  10. If Rep. Steube did all those things to Rep. Greene and Greene's foreparents how many centuries have both Steube and Greene been alive?
  11. She/It did not shutdown Rand Paul. Dr.Levine refused to answer directly whether or not minors should be allowed to undergo sex change hormone and surgical procedures without the permission of their parents. She/It refused to answer "yes" or "no" to that simple straightforward question.
  12. Here is a positive good thought: I hope Candace Owens takes over Rush Limbaugh's radio show.
  13. I see the mad, ranting, insane German is back. I didn't know I had such a big fan.
  14. But your posts never degrade and name call, do they? You give likes based upon who makes the comment, not based upon the quality of the post. Do you ever tell the truth about anything?
  15. And how many days until the Manhattan AG leaks President Trump's confidential financial records to the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC?
  16. Who cares? You two and a few other ass kissers on here give likes to each other no matter what is posted.
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