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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I wonder if the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC will report news stories by an anonymous source inside the Biden White House like they did almost everyday for four years with the Trump White House?
  2. A city idiot like you is too fucking dumb to understand how clearing out underbrush helps to prevent forest fires.
  3. A city idiot like you is too fucking dumb to understand how clearing out underbrush helps to prevent forest fires.
  4. "Sleepy Joe" is really doing a great job in expediting the covid-19 vaccine program. I've been on the waiting list for a covid vaccination for 3 weeks. Today I called the health dept in my county to see what is going on and they said it will be two more weeks before I can be vaccinated. Way to go, Joe. Hope I don't die of old age before receiving the vaccination.
  5. Just like California environmentalist wackos brought forest fires upon themselves by not allowing dead underbrush to be removed from the forests.
  6. And how many days until New York government officials leak all of that confidential tax information to the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC?
  7. A governor who orders nursing homes to take in people who they know are infected with covid-19 is no big deal?
  8. But how covid was handled in New York is definitely a political story.
  9. Wonder why I don't see stories on here anymore about the great job that Andrew Cuomo did in handling the covid-19 crisis in New York?
  10. You are the one in the need of a psychotherapist. You need to find out where all your hatred comes from.
  11. Except that what happened in Texas is a one time short term event; whereas, the Green New Deal will do permanent damage to the U.S. economy.
  12. So are you. You sound more like a woman than a man. I think you have been conning us about your gender all along.
  13. Children are also people. Apparently, Joe Biden doesn't know that.
  14. Too bad you don't understand economic complexities. Just like the fools who promote the New Green Deal in America don't understand all the damage the Green New Deal will cause for the U.S. economy.
  15. I sleep very peacefully because I abused no one in Vietnam, man or woman. I am neither proud nor ashamed of having been in Vietnam, I was there because that is where the politicians in Washington D.C. sent me. When I returned to the U.S. I joined an anti-war group called Vietnam Veterans Against the War because after having seen Vietnam firsthand I decided that the Vietnamese civil war was none of our business nor the business of China and the Soviet Union.
  16. And unfortunately for you your dick is bigger than your brain.
  17. And you are a fool who has no thoughts of his own, so you resort to posting stories from biased left wing blogs and then call it objective news reporting.😉
  18. Because neither you nor Joe Biden believe in the U.S.Constitution.
  19. AND YOUR DENIAL OF FACTS IS NOT CONVINCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Why would I denounce someone for being a traitor when I do not believe that that person is a traitor?
  21. It's not Donald Trump's fault that Jessica Watkins is an unhinged lunatic. I watched Trump's speech on Jan.6 and it didn't cause me to want to attack the Capitol Building. However, it did cause me to want a thorough and honest investigation of the 2020 election.
  22. You nor Joe Biden don't allow me anything, you fucking little Stalinist pig. My civil rights were given to me by God and are protected by the U.S. Constitution.
  23. I said my ancestors left Germany in the early 1900s, not 1890. I don't care if the float was part of Carnival celebration or not, the depiction was still evil and was created by people who have sick perverted minds.
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