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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. For illegally using government intelligence agencies to undermine the Trump presidential campaign and the Trump presidency.
  2. Today in the impeachment trial Democrat lawyers made strong emotional arguments while Trump's lawyers made strong legal arguments. So should legal judgments be made based upon the law or upon emotions?
  3. Trouble in Democrat paradise? According to the AP Sen. Joe Manchin has asked President Biden to reverse his decision on the Keystone XL pipeline. With Joe Manchin as Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee I foresee him battling with AOC and John Kerry over climate policies such as the Green New Deal and The Paris Accords.
  4. By voting that the impeachment of a former president is constitutional the U.S. Senate has opened the door for the impeachment of Barack Obama at sometime in the future.
  5. Wow, a constitutional lawyer and doctor who earns a living by building solar panels. I'm impressed, dude. LMAO
  6. If a president breaks a law in his last week in office then he can be tried for that crime as a private citizen. I really don't need schooling about the U.S. Constitution from someone who installs solar panels.
  7. Instead of stationing National Guard troops in Washington, D.C. to protect a bunch of worthless politicians from American citizens I think we should station those troops on our southern border to protect America from a foreign invasion of illegal immigrants.
  8. Chief Justice Roberts CHOSE not to because he did not want to give legitimacy to a trial that he knows is unconstitutional.
  9. "Shocked her readers?" No surprise to me. She's a long time Washington D.C. establishment swamp dweller. Trump is a threat to the ruling class establishment's power, so what do you expect Mona Cheren to do?
  10. Poor little ANTIFA snowflake can't handle the truth about his violent organization.
  11. In the impeachment trial that begins tomorrow the presiding judge is a member of the jury and has already said that Trump is guilty. Yep, that should be an unbiased fair trial. LMAO
  12. This weekend members of BLM and ANTIFA marched in the streets of Washington D.C. chanting, "Burned it down!"
  13. If Trump is so hated by the American people why do Democrats so fear that he will run for president again in 2024? If he is so hated as you believe, why wouldn't Democrats be looking forward to running against him in 2024?
  14. Anybody who believes that what happened at the Capitol on Jan.6 was a coup needs a psychological evaluation. How do you stage a coup to take over the government with unarmed protesters?
  15. What is DAILYKOS going to do for stories now that Trump is no longer president?
  16. So why didn't she walk out of the room and not have sex with him in the first place?
  17. Almost everyone of your posts is a wild conspiracy theory. You are the one who needs to come back to reality.
  18. This was in response to Golfer and O_U812 claiming that Biden has already accomplished so much.
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