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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The seven Republican Senators who voted to declare Trump guilty just ended their political careers as Republicans.
  2. Told you. Now Democrats can move on to their next manufactured conspiracy.
  3. The presiding judge ( Sen. Leaky Leahy) just announced that the record for the trial is closed and that any evidence or statements made today will be stricken from the record, so all that is left now is the vote of acquittal.
  4. Oops! What happened to the witnesses? Democrats afraid the American people would hear testimony from witnesses called by Trump's attorneys? LOL
  5. The Democrats are using the impeachment trial as a way to keep Joe Biden's unpopular and disastrous executive actions out of the news.
  6. Your opinion of me means nothing to me. So save it for someone who is dumb enough to respect your opinion.
  7. Calling witnesses will just allow the Democrats to dig their 2022 political grave a little deeper.
  8. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants our southern border open for cheap labor from Latin America and free trade with China so that American corporations can again locate their factories in China and replace American workers with low wage Chinese workers and Chinese Muslim slave labor.
  9. Nikki wants to be elected president in 2024. Too bad Nikki, you just destroyed any chance of that ever happening. She also destroyed any chance that Trump would pick her as his VP candidate in 2024.
  10. Fuck the lying bastards at CNN. They don't report news, they create it for ignorant hate filled people like you to gobble up.
  11. And it was obvious that the Democrat Senators and the House managers had planned and coordinated the question and answer session of the trial. The House managers knew what questions the Democrat Senators were going to ask before the questions were presented to the presiding officer.
  12. You most likely flunked every science course you ever took in school. You don't have the slightest idea what science is even about.
  13. Trump's lawyers destroyed the Democrat hypocrites with their own words.
  14. Maybe it's because I have to deal with so many juvenile people like you who pretend to be so mature but in reality deep inside are insecure children. You just do a good job of pretending to be mature and intelligent while feeling like a frightened confused child. You need the support of like minded liberal progressive group thinkers to feel secure. With your talk of Trump being a traitor, psychopath, fuhrer, and insurrectionist you are doing nothing more than parroting talking points of the news media and the Washington D.C. establishment.
  15. Why, because you didn't want anyone to see the Democrats getting their asses kicked today in the impeachment trial?
  16. No, he just took the party's voters and left the party with all the establishment losers.
  17. If I was a fraud I would be a solar panel building Democrat like you.😉
  18. So says the law expert who earns $27/hr. building solar panels and pouring concrete.
  19. The truth is destroying Andrew Cuomo, The Lincoln Project and eventually the Democratic Party.
  20. Today Trump's lawyers in the impeachment trial exposed the Democrats for the hypocrites, liars and phonies that they are. They are wanting to convict Trump of inciting an insurrection with the exact same words and rhetoric that they use in their own political speeches. So if Trump is guilty of inciting insurrection so are they.
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