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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. She doesn't know what to say because Biden doesn't know what he is doing.😉
  2. And how will the Republican establishment deal with 75 million of us? Or maybe the real question is, How will we deal with the Republican establishment?
  3. I see you took my advice and went back to posting blogs. I guess that's what one does when he has no original thoughts.
  4. Now you're repeating yourself. Better go back to posting stories from left wing blogs and nasty cartoons.
  5. No, it's just impossible to explain to someone with the limited mental capabilities that you possess.
  6. So says the union slave solar panel builder who has an IQ lower than my cat.
  7. Your mind is so simple that you would never understand. So why waste the time trying.
  8. Little Ben Sasse will be loved by Democrats, the Washington D.C. establishment and the news media but the voters of Nebraska and America will teach him a lesson in reality. Sasse's career as a Nebraska U.S. Senator is over at the end of his current term and his dream of becoming president in 2024 is over.
  9. The House impeachment manager challenged the Electoral College vote of the 2016 election. Can you say hypocrite?
  10. Where the hell did you ever get the idea that I support Biden?
  11. Glad you're happy. Now you can enjoy how great things are going in your country. Too bad for you that Biden will side with the EU against the UK.
  12. The Trump cabinet actually did numerous good things for America. Sorry, but their job was not to look out for the UK.
  13. Almost every Democrat voted against every Trump cabinet appointment.
  14. Maybe when UCLA recruits an all transgender basketball team and wins the Women's NCAA Basketball Championship Americans will finally realize that ignoring the sciences of biology and physiology has gone a bit too far.
  15. Just as Trump did not tell anyone to invade the Capitol Building.
  16. President Trump was impeached for inciting an insurrection with a speech that he gave on Jan. 6. I wonder if Donald Trump's lawyers will be allowed to show a video of that whole speech at the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate as a part of his defense?
  17. At least I don't walk around with a banana in my pants like you do.
  18. In that case it's time to impeach Bernie Sanders for the shooting of Steve Scalise by a Bernie supporter.
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