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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. There is no such thing as a non-left member of the board of education anywhere in San Francisco.
  2. The Biden Administration just bowed down to Putin by extending the arms control treaty with Russia for five more years. The treaty that the U.S. observes but Russia routinely violates.
  3. If you want to know the truth about ANTIFA read the book "UNMASKED" by Andy Ngo.
  4. No, that's what BLM, ANTIFA and George Soros' bought and paid for prosecutors want to do to people who kill police officers. It's Democrats, not Republicans who want to defund the police.
  5. You are living in a permanent dream state if you actually believe there will be a conviction.
  6. Watch the impeachment trial, you might see something other than the censored bullshit you get from the BBC and CNN.
  7. The evidence that none of those courts would allow to be presented to the public for fear that people would question the legitimacy of Joe Biden's presidency.
  8. The left continually call people who question climate change "science deniers", but they then deny biological science.
  9. If I were Trump's lawyers I would use the impeachment trial to present evidence of fraud in the 2020 presidential election which would justify the speech that President Trump gave on Jan.6.
  10. A story in USA TODAY states that Sen. Tim Kaine "abandons effort to censure Trump over Capitol riot, citing lack of support". If the Democrats can't even muster support to censure Trump, do you actually believe that the Senate will vote to convict him in the impeachment trial?
  11. Joe Biden as a "competent leader"? That is humorous. Keep talking.
  12. Sorry, but I don't think there are too many Republicans into socialism and Marxism.
  13. You worship the traitor Joe Biden who has sold his soul and his country to the Chinese Communist Government.
  14. Keep displaying your enraged insanity for everyone to see. Your rants are becoming very comical.
  15. But you have no problem calling American citizens traitors. That's not an insult?
  16. The impeachment trial is a fantasy since it is totally unconstitutional.
  17. And how happy will you be when Donald Trump is acquitted again?
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