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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You are a total dumb fuck. Elizabeth Warren was the one criticizing rich people, not me. I was just pointing out how much of a hypocrite she is since she is a millionaire.
  2. No wonder you like Biden. He's a career politician just like you.
  3. Just because you masturbate your dog doesn't mean other people masturbate their pets. I guess you think that's normal behavior.
  4. I see that former employees of Wall Street at the SEC are going to investigate what happened this week with Gamestop on Wall Street. LMAO
  5. Looks like investors on Wall Street are finally realizing that the tax and spend Democrats are now in charge of the economy.
  6. I wonder if Jack Dorsey with ban Gov. Andrew Cuomo from Twitter for lying?
  7. I need some things for my house, so tomorrow I guess I'll go to Walmart and help out the Chinese economy since our politicians have made it almost impossible to buy anything that isn't made in China.
  8. Both Bernie and AOC thought the executive order on climate and the executive order that shutdown the Keystone Pipeline were great for promoting the liberal progressive agenda.
  9. That leaves you out of the conversation. And how many college level courses in economics have you taken?
  10. Where in that message does say anything about invading and vandalizing the Capitol Building? Only in your imagination. BLM and ANTIFA have the right to march and protest, but people who want "to protect the integrity of our elections" do not have the right to march and protest?
  11. Regardless, what I said about your employment history is true. You are a lazy parasite living off the labor of American taxpayers.
  12. Nothing compared to the large scale Democratic Party instigated fraud that took place in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, and Las Vegas in the 2020 election.
  13. If you worked only 1 and 1/3 years of the Trump Administration it's because you were too lazy to work, period.
  14. If you couldn't find work during the booming Trump economy it's because you didn't want to work and would rather let mommy and daddy support you while you lived rent free in their home.
  15. If you didn't work during the Trump presidency it's because you were too lazy to seek employment.
  16. And you are a liar. If you were not employed during the Trump presidency it's because you didn't want to be employed.
  17. Democrats and the Chamber of Commerce want open borders so that the U.S. will have a steady supply of cheap labor to replace the cheap labor that a Republican president eliminated when he signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
  18. On MSN today there were several stories about Donald Trump and not one story about President Joe Biden.
  19. Work 6 months per year and receive unemployment benefits the other 6 months, right?
  20. So you are just a pawn of the liberal progressive system with no ability to take care of yourself? Democrats in Biden's Administration will make sure no jobs comparable to those of the Keystone Pipeline will ever open up for the laid off workers.
  21. Good riddance to a Washington, D.C. establishment swamp dwelling political pundit. To Chris Stirewalt the political antics of Democrats and Republicans were just a big game without any concern of how they affect the lives of American citizens.
  22. Romney, the fool, actually believes he can be elected president in 2024. He hasn't figured out yet that at the end of his current term in the U.S. Senate his political career is over.
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