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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Power won't be cheap for long when they pass the "Green New Deal". Plus, we won't have any to spare when all our power is generated by wind mills and solar panels.
  2. The American people will take it away in Nov., 2022 and Nov., 2024 if the Democrats still allow fair elections to be held in the U.S.
  3. Telling someone to "Fuck Off" is kindly asking? I guess maybe that is considered being polite by an ANTIFA member.
  4. Now that Joe has been officially sworn in, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, and the American media can begin implementation of their plan to have him removed from office.
  5. But you are a fucking idiot, little Russian agent. I think what you really meant to say is that Biden is the right president for Putin.
  6. So now that Joe is president you think you have authority to command me around?
  7. Too bad "Sleepy Joe" can't undo the big mistake your parents made when you were conceived.
  8. On the day of Joe Biden's inauguration the MSN headlines feature 13 stories about President Trump and 3 stories about Joe Biden. lol
  9. Reclaiming it from the American people for the Washington D.C. establishment swamp dwellers.
  10. Hey, idiot. Trump received 63 million votes in 2016 and 74 million votes in 2020, so he gained support rather than lost support as you have claimed.
  11. And as usual you are wrong. Latest NBC poll shows Trump with 87% approval rating with Republican voters. The policies that Democrats will impose upon the American people will cause Trump's popularity to increase. After two years of Democrats ruling against the will of the people, Americans will be begging for the return of President Trump.
  12. The radical policies of the Democrats will cause the American people to kick their asses out of the House majority in 2022.
  13. You're refreshed having a president who is in the early stages of Alzheimers?
  14. This is the person who sent covid-19 infected patients into nursing homes, and then removed her mother from a nursing home to put her her into a hotel room to protect her from covid-19..
  15. If Trump was such a lousy president and with the news media attacking him everyday how is it that 74+ million Americans voted to reelect him?
  16. You are almost as gullible and stupid as the Golfer and the Bug Eater. You believe any shit put out by the news media. What a fucking fool you are.
  17. You are probably in luck. Biden will sell out the American working class to the rest of the world again just like Clinton, Obama and the two Bushes did. Biden will make the U.S. Australia's piggy bank again so that Americans can help pay for all your fucking socialist programs.
  18. And when are the Democrats going to realize that they won and stop attacking Trump supporters?
  19. After two years of Biden/Harris Democrat rule the American people will be begging for the return of President Trump.
  20. The Chinese Army is already in Canada thanks to Trudeau and the rest of the ignorant members of the Canadian government.
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