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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The way I see it, if the Democrats win both the Georgia Senate contests "Sleepy Joe" will be president until Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, and the news media get rid of him around the end of March; and then, once Kamala Harris becomes president she can appoint Stacey Abrams vice president as a reward for helping to steal the presidency and two Senate seats for the Democrats in less than three months time.
  2. Sure glad that we had that revolution in 1776, otherwise we would still be ruled by British idiots like you.😉
  3. Bet they never file a lawsuit because if they do they'll need to present evidence to prove she lied about them. Presenting any documents to prove her wrong is the last thing they want to do.
  4. Neither can you nor anyone else on here. Actually, they all talk about Trump much more than I do.
  5. So now Senators who exercise their Constitutional authority are Fascists? Does that mean that Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer was also a fascist when she rejected the electoral results in 2017?
  6. I don't post comments to please other people. I post comments to express MY ideas. The vast majority on here are liberal progressives who hate Trump, so they will give a "like" to any comment that is negative to Trump or to me. I couldn't care less how many "likes" I do or don't receive. People who need the adulation of others to justify their beliefs are very shallow and insecure individuals who I have no respect for. I have much more respect for those who separate themselves from the group think crowd and go their own way.
  7. You were born on the wrong side of the bed. Any side that is opposite you is the right side.
  8. But the people didn't vote to remove Trump from office. The Senate protest will initiate a debate in the Senate to reveal the voter fraud which caused President Trump to be removed from office. Why are the swamp dwelling establishment Democrats and Republicans afraid to have that debate?
  9. And how many of those Democrat mail-in ballots will have forged signatures on the certification envelopes?
  10. If the establishment Republicans who keep telling President Trump to move on and accept the results of the presidential election in Georgia believe the election was fair and honest why have those same Republicans recruited 8000 poll observers for the Georgia Senate elections on Jan.5? If they believe Georgia elections are so fair and honest why the need for 8000 poll observers?
  11. Exactly how does a Senate election in Georgia affect your life, dip shit? Did you mail in the election ballot that Stacey Abrams sent to you in Australia?
  12. And I'll blame it on swamp dwelling establishment career politicians in both parties.
  13. I predict the Jan.5 Senate races in Georgia will be a repeat of the Nov.3 presidential race. Late into the evening both Republican candidates will have substantial vote count leads and then late in the night and early the next morning a massive number of votes will miraculously show up in Fulton County(Atlanta) for the Democrat candidates. Later in the day on Jan.6 the two Democrat candidates will edge ahead, and with two or more days of counting votes the Democrats will be declared the winners.
  14. Your mind is so far gone that you are beginning to believe your own lies.
  15. I don't think the golfer can put a sentence together without using at least one of the terms, "cult, Trump's ass, brainwashed, projecting, moron, deprogramming, kool-aid, or dear leader."
  16. I don't remember having to ask your permission to make a comment, little ANTIFA snowflake dickhead.
  17. Lisa Murkowski is nothing more than an establishment Swamp dwelling Rino who Sarah Palin will get rid of in the Alaskan Senate primary election of 2022.
  18. They get any dumber and more insane than Keith Olbermann. That's he keeps getting fired. He was too crazy for even MSNBC.
  19. Can't be ANTIFA, they're not dressed in black and carrying clubs and fire bombs.
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