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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. He'll probably be glad to get out of the political cesspool of Washington, D.C.
  2. You could be right. Wouldn't surprise me. That would be a great "Sol Alinsky" type tactic to undermine the credibility of an opponent. They need to do an in depth back ground to find out exactly who the ignorant idiots were that broke into the Capitol Building.
  3. I think you've hit your head a few too many times with that mallet. Seems to have scrambled your brain.
  4. Now that the Democrats control both the House and Senate along with the Presidency let's see what they do to this country.
  5. That could be true. Wouldn't surprise me. Will be interesting to find out who the idiots were that broke into the Capitol Building.
  6. Yeah, Americans so rejected him that he received 11 million more votes in the 2020 election than he received in the 2016 election. How could Trump's vote go down in the Jan.5 elections when his name was not even on the ballot?
  7. I know that a narcissistic liar always lies. I saw that for eight years of Bill Clinton and then eight more years of Barack Hussein Obama.
  8. Again. You need to pull your head out of your ass and see who it really is that talks about Trump all the time on this thread. Much more than I do. It's the people on here who are afflicted with a severe case Trump Derangement Syndrome. 😉
  9. Do I still get to stay in the country or are you going to revoke my citizenship and have me deported?
  10. Tell that to business owners whose businesses were looted and burned by BLM and ANTIFA.
  11. During the presidential campaign "Sleepy Joe" said he would not raise income tax rates on people who earn less than $400,000/yr., said that he would not ban "fracking", said that he did not want to eliminate private health insurance, said that he was not a socialist. Let's see how long it takes for those statements to become lies.
  12. Maybe this is part of the Democrats' deprogramming plan that Golfer was referring to.
  13. WE? YOU don't control shit, you little ANTIFA bug eating nobody. How could anyone that still lives with and is supported by mommy and daddy control anything?
  14. I wonder who Barack Obama will pick as Joe Biden's nominee for Attorney General?
  15. A Democrat controlled Congress will not be radical? Upon Nancy Pelosi being reelected as Speaker of the House the Democrats shortly there after passed a House rules change whereby the following terms were banned for use on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives: Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Daughter, Son, Granddaughter, Grandson, and other "gendered" names.
  16. I saw video of the protesters. They were very rowdy and noisy with megaphones late at night. So noisy that Hawley's neighbors called the police on them.
  17. Because Sen. Johnson knows more about the voter fraud that took place in his home state of Wisconsin than does Mitch McConnell.
  18. Not really. I told you yesterday what was going to happen. No surprise to me.
  19. How do you find them if no one is looking for them? Could that be why in Democrat controlled cities poll watchers are kept ten feet away from the ballots. Think you could examine a signature from ten feet away?
  20. Looks like almost all the vote counting is done in Georgia except for all the out of state Democrat mail-in ballots.
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