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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. He can still as a private citizen finance an investigation of the 2020 election. Jimmy Carter did an investigation of the American election process after he left office.
  2. How do you know that Trump's doctor lied? Did you see the medical records? Did you talk to his doctor? Or is that what the brilliant people on CNN and MSNBC told you?
  3. No, if he truly believes the election was stolen he should leave office on Jan.20 without conceding. Then he should do everything he can to expose and prove the voter fraud, and work to make sure future elections are fair and honest.
  4. But you criticize someone else for not serving? Is that not hypocritical?
  5. There is already talk of contested elections in the Jan.5 Georgia Senate races. It would be fitting justice for Republicans who abandoned Trump in his attempt to expose voter fraud in the presidential election if Democrats are able to steal those two elections in the same manner that they stole the presidential contest in Georgia.
  6. I watched Trump win on election night and then watched his victory stolen after election night.
  7. At least 74 million people wanted what Trump wanted, that's why they voted to reelect him.
  8. So if a political hack AG can prosecute and convict without evidence you think that is just fine? And you are calling Donald Trump a dictator? Sounds like if you were given power, you would be the real dictator.
  9. Trying to be a dictator? You truly are a fucking idiot. All that propaganda you keep reading is rotting your brain.
  10. Iraq and Afghanistan are peace time? You are the phony and PUSSY. No difference.
  11. No, you are ignoring the real point. You are complaining about someone not serving in the military when you yourself have not served in the military. Just proves how much of a phony hypocrite you are.
  12. And if he hasn't done anything illegal should he still go to jail just because you hate him? Should Barack Obama and Joe Biden also go to jail if they have done illegal things?
  13. Crazy prerogatives? No, powers granted by the U.S. Constitution. If the president does not agree with what is in a piece of legislation he has the authority and right to veto it. What is truly "crazy" is legislators voting on a $2.3 trillion 5000 page piece of legislation that they didn't even have time to read.
  14. Please explain to me how giving millions of dollars to Pakistan for gender studies has anything to do with covid relief for American citizens? Also, if this relief was so needed why did Nancy Pelosi not allow a vote on this legislation in September? How responsible is it for legislative leaders to present a 5000 page bill to it's members and give them only two hours to read it before bringing to the floor for a vote?
  15. And how much did the bug eater and golfer give? How much time did they serve in the military?
  16. That statement is such a fucking pathetic joke . What branch of the military were you in?
  17. No, Trump and I both wanted $2000 for the American people and the elimination of pork spending and handouts to foreign countries included with the covid relief bill.
  18. You don't even understand our system, you damn fool. Legislation becomes law only when it is passed by the two houses of Congress and then signed by the president. Has nothing to do with being a dictator, you idiot. If the president refuses to sign a bill or vetoes it Congress can override his veto with a two thirds vote by both houses of Congress, so there is no dictatorship. Checks and balances is the beauty of our system of government, so that no one branch becomes too powerful.
  19. Democrats don't need to win the Georgia elections because they can steal them just like they stole the 2020 presidential election.
  20. So why are you praising the fact that a political hack AG is planning on prosecuting Donald Trump for purely political reasons? Apparently you think it is okay to use the legal system to prosecute someone just because you don't like them as long as the person being prosecuted is Donald Trump?
  21. You just revealed some more of your ignorance. The New York AG is nothing more than a corrupt political hack. In fact, her primary campaign issue when she ran for election to the AG position was that she intended to prosecute Donald Trump and his family. How ethical, fair, and unbiased is that? Or is that normal behavior for prosecutors in Australia?
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