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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Real Trump supporters don't fly those flags. But telling lies is the only way you and your scumbag ANTIFA buddies can discredit Trump supporters.
  2. Hell, you've been crying about the 2016 election for four years because you couldn't deal with it.
  3. If a suit is allowed to be filed that means arguments will be heard by the court. Alito and Thomas said that they would not be willing to grant the relief that was sought by Texas in the suit but that they would like to hear the case anyway.
  4. How is the decision 9-0 when justices Alito and Thomas wanted to hear the case?
  5. Yes, I refer you to the long list of the Trump accomplishments that Thestarider previously posted on this thread.
  6. How dare you have the audacity to express original thoughts on here. You know that is not allowed on this thread. lol
  7. But you never express any original ideas. All you do is post stories from far left wing blogs. You allow other people to do your thinking for you because you have no ideas of your own.
  8. And what original thoughts have you ever offered on here other than name calling, insults and put down comments.
  9. You sound like Eric Swalwell. He continually accused President Trump and other Republicans of being agents of a foreign government(Russia) when Swalwell was the one who was in fact the agent of a foreign government (China). You in turn accuse anyone who does not agree with you of being a cult member when it is in fact you who is a member of the liberal progressive socialist Marxist cult called the Democratic Party.
  10. Your comments don't even make sense. Better stick go back to posting your left wing blogs before everyone sees how much of a mentally deranged idiot you are.
  11. Why do you lefties always insist that people should shut up? Why do dissenting ideas frighten you so much? Could it be because you are so unsure of your own thoughts and beliefs?
  12. You mean the way your side shut up about the 2016 election for four years?
  13. Ban his Twitter account? Sorry, but we don't need Canadian style censorship down here.
  14. And if Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden had been president the death toll would probably be at least 2 million by now.
  15. No real conservative would ever have anything to do with the far left Daily Beast publication.
  16. The courts have now given a green light to the Democrats to steal the two Senate elections in Georgia just like they stole the presidential election in that state, and to steal future elections all across the country. Actually, I hope Democrats do steal the two Georgia Senate seats since many Republican office holders did not stand in support of efforts to prove voter fraud in the 2020 election.
  17. And what exactly do you mean by that, you ignorant media compliant brainwashed little sheep?
  18. Why would Pfizer produce millions of doses of an untested, unproven vaccine unless they knew they would be paid for them? Normally a drug company produces only enough doses to test the vaccine, and then when the vaccine has been proven and approved by regulatory agencies they begin mass production. How is it that a massive supply of the Pfizer vaccine was ready for use immediately upon receiving approval from government regulatory agencies? The answer is because of the Warp Speed Program whereby drug companies produced a massive supply of the vaccine before the vaccine had even been tested. How else do you explain the fact that FDA approved the vaccine for use in the U.S. today and people could be receiving covid-19 vaccinations as early as this Monday. Why would any sane business person produce huge supplies of any untested drug if they were not sure they would be paid for the drugs. If the vaccine had not worked or if they had not received approval from government agencies they would have been stuck with millions of doses of a worthless drug. A monetary guarantee from the U.S. government is why these companies were willing to mass produce the vaccine before it had been tested and approved.
  19. That's sort of why I want the Democrats to win both Senate elections in Georgia, so when all their liberal progressive policies piss off 70% of the American people the Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves. If Republicans keep control of the Senate the Democrats and news media will blame Republicans for all the problems in the country because they won't cooperate with Democrats in passing legislation.
  20. More likely they're afraid of what the Stalinist mob members like you would do to them if they agreed to hear the case. This also disproves your claim that the conservative justices on SCOTUS or nothing more than Trump puppets.
  21. With the Supreme Court's ruling on Trump's election appeal the Democrats have been given the green light to steal the two Senate elections in Georgia on Jan.5 just like they stole the presidential election.
  22. Exactly as I predicted. No judge at this point will be courageous enough to overturn the results of the election even if the results deserve to be overturn. Joe Biden will be sworn in on Jan.20 even though he does not deserve to be. ON TO THE ELECTIONS OF 2022 AND 2024.
  23. Once Joe Biden is sworn in as president I would suggest that he not accept any food from Barack Obama nor Kamala Harris.
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