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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The FBI was investigating Hunter Biden in 2018. In 2019 President Trump was impeached for asking the President of Ukraine to assist in the investigation of Hunter Biden's financial dealings in Ukraine. So why was the impeachment committee not informed that the FBI was investigating Hunter Biden's financial dealings in foreign countries including Ukraine which would have shown that President Trump was justified in his request to the Ukrainian president.
  2. The story about the FBI investigation of Hunter Biden was leaked to AXIO which is a left wing publication. It seems to me if a Trump supporter in the FBI or DOJ had leaked the story they would have leaked it to The New York Post or some other right leaning news organization. That leads me to believe that the story was leaked by an Obama holdover in the DOJ or FBI. Wonder why they would do that?
  3. So members of Congress are not to be seated because they support a totally legal appeal of election results to the U.S. Supreme Court and other courts? The fucking Democrats definitely are authoritarian Stalinist thugs.
  4. The U.S. already has large quantities of the vaccine from Pfizer on hand and distribution is pending the FDA approval of the drug. Do you really believe Pfizer gave all those doses of the unproven vaccine to the U.S. before receiving payment?
  5. Four poll workers in Atlanta, Georgia were caught on video tape counting votes after the counting had been officially stopped on election night because of a supposed water main break in the building. Why has no public official in Georgia required those four people to publicly testify under oath to explain exactly what they were doing?
  6. The people presenting evidence of fraud in the 2020 election have firsthand knowledge of the cheating. They saw it with their own eyes. Of the people who testified against President Trump in the impeachment hearings not one of the witnesses had firsthand knowledge of anything. All they had were hearsay, assumptions and personal hatred of Donald Trump.
  7. The world cheered because they knew Biden would make the American middle class start paying all their bills again just Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did.
  8. The Pennsylvania AG and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court violated Pennsylvania election law and the U.S. Constitution when he changed voter regulations without having the Pennsylvania Legislature first change the law.
  9. Your propaganda blogs have warped your mind and given you a severe case of Trump derangement syndrome.
  10. In the age of covid-19 that's a pretty accurate description of many U.S. Democrat governors.
  11. Save your Sol Alinsky tactics for someone else. They don't work on me.
  12. The 74,000,000 decide who will control the Republican Party, not Rush , not Trump and not any other politician. That's what Democrat robots like you don't understand.
  13. Anyone who blames President Trump for 285,000 deaths is clinically insane. And it is ANTIFA and BLM that has been setting America on fire, not Trump.
  14. They've already been purged because any Republican politicians who did not support president Trump will never receive support from the 74 million who voted for Trump. Mitt Romney thinks he is going to become president in 2024, but he can never ever win the Republican presidential nomination because of his opposition to President Trump. At the end of his Senate term in 2024 Romney's political career as a Republican is over.
  15. You'll see the evidence when Joe is forced out of office. The first indications will be news media stories about the financial scandals of the Biden family and stories about Joe's cognitive problems which will become more numerous after Joe is sworn in as president.
  16. You are either very dumb or very intellectually dishonest if you believe a female Chinese spy was having sexual relations with numerous American politicians just to have a good time.
  17. He'll be your leader until Barack Obama and Kamala Harris get rid of him. And as far as Hunter having nothing to do with Joe that's not what Hunter's business partner Tony Bobolinsky says.
  18. Found nothing? Hunter has been under investigation by the FBI since 2018. Looks like some of Obama's people in the DOJ or FBI decided to leak this info to AXIOS. First step in Obama and Kamala Harris getting rid of Joe? Next we'll probably start hearing stories from the news media about Joe's declining mental condition.
  19. There you go again, exhibiting the psychological problems you have from your potty training days. You can't make a comment without talking about asses or shit.
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