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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Trump is president until Jan.20. If all his legal challenges fail and Biden is certified as the winner Trump will leave the White House in the same manner that Clinton, Bush and Obama left.
  2. Now the Democrats just need to figure out how to get rid of Biden so that Harris who never won one vote in the presidential primary can be president.
  3. You still haven't answered my question, little snowflake. And it is precisely because I do understand the economy that I want to know where you are going to get the money for all your pie in the sky utopian programs. There probably is not enough money in the whole U.S. economy to pay for all the things you are suggesting.
  4. And how do you use money that is already "wasted." And that would just be a drop in the bucket for all the things you want to spend money on. Where is the rest of the money going to come from?
  5. Look at the list of things Trump has done for the American people that thestarider posted. That's why over 69 million people voted for Trump.
  6. No, not "official" until vote counts are certified by each state and all legal challenges are resolved. But I wouldn't expect someone as dumb as you to understand that.
  7. According to Pennsylvania state law only mail-in ballots received by 8:00pm on election day are to be counted.
  8. So if President Trump "is a crook, moron, con man totally unqualified" why did over 69 million Americans vote for him?
  9. So you admit that you were part of the cheating to help elect "Sleepy Joe".
  10. So you think illegal votes should be counted along with legal votes?
  11. In Antrim County, Michigan a computer software glitch caused 6000 Republican votes to be given to Democrats. 47 counties in Michigan used the same computer software to count votes. The computer software may have also been used in a number of other states.
  12. I have 5 different accounts?????? You are fucking insane. Here is my interpretation of "scorched earth". It means eliminating the filibuster in the Senate so Democrats need only 50 votes to pass any legislation, making D.C. and Puerto Rico states so that Democrats will have a permanent majority in the Senate, adding at least 4 more justices to the Supreme Court to make the court liberal for the next 50 years, and eliminating the electoral college. If all that is so popular why did Biden not tell the American people that is what he intended to do if elected president?
  13. No, they probably had just watched a video of Dr. Fauci in March saying that masks were no protection from covid-19.
  14. If coming together means accepting your liberal progressive socialist Marxist agenda, I hope the country never comes together. 69 million Americans need to set up a resistance to those policies just like the Democrats set up a resistance to Trump's policies.
  15. Please explain to everyone on here what you mean by "scorched earth".
  16. Probably within the next few months. The progressive Democrats who now run the Democratic Party along with the progressive news media would rather have Kamala as president than Joe. So I wouldn't be surprised to see the news media start to investigate the Biden family's international financial scandals which could result in Biden being forced out of office. Or the Democrats could use the 25th Amendment to remove Joe when his dementia becomes obvious to everyone.
  17. Read our constitution and you might learn something. The beauty of our system of government is that we have checks and balances all through the governing process. That prevents any one person or any one government body from becoming too powerful.
  18. Biden and his family are guilty of many more crimes than the idiots on the left have accused Trump of.
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