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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Why would Trump ever want to take advice from a George W. Bush swamp dwelling lawyer?
  2. Of course the world loves it. They know the U.S. will again be their piggy bank.
  3. Did you or the golfer buy the lube so that golfer can use your asshole as a place to park his dick. Although, I'm not sure the golfer can hold an erection long enough to get it in.
  4. An ignorant little piss ant like you telling me about economics. Didn't know I was so important to be a thorn in America's paw. You going to try removing me from America's paw. LMAO at a little boy who still lives with his mommy and daddy.
  5. I wonder how happy all these millionaire tv news people, athletes, musicians, and actors who wanted Trump gone and Biden as president are going to feel when they realize the Democrats are going to make them pay a combined federal, state and local income tax rate of around 70%.
  6. Now their lives will be so empty until they find someone else to hate.
  7. Biden is suppose to deliver his victory speech at 8:00pm eastern time tonight. I thought that was past his bedtime.
  8. Don't worry, Biden will soak the U.S. middle class with new taxes so that he will have money to give to the UK and the EU.
  9. I predict that a year from now Donald Trump will still be getting more press coverage than Joe Biden.
  10. The mainstream news media never ever told people about Trump's accomplishments. They hammered Trump everyday of his presidency and never ever had one good thing to say about him or his family. Even with all the negative press coverage, were it not for covid Trump would have won in a landslide.
  11. My God, with Trump gone what will Adam Schiff do? He'll have no one to investigate.
  12. Democrats kept saying the Russians were trying to interfere in our election. What better way than contaminating the soft ware used to count votes?
  13. You are so uninformed that it is laughable. Biden will be able to reunite the Washington D.C. establishment at the expense of the American people. Trump did more good for the American people in 4 years than Joe Biden did in his 47 years in Washington D.C.
  14. We're suppose to support government programs that are not good for American citizens just for the sake of unity? I didn't hear you complaining about no unity when Democrats would not support programs put forth by Trump and Republicans which were good for the American people.
  15. Mind your own business. You don't live here. I couldn't care less about what happens in your country.
  16. I'm a bit ambivalent as to who I want to control the Senate. Part of me hopes the Republicans maintain control because I know the Democrats' policies will not be good for America, and another part of me would sort of like to see the Democrats control the Senate so that the American people could finally see who the Democrats really are. I would also like to see people who voted for the Democrats suffer from the policies of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AOC, Bernie Sanders, and the other Democrat wackos in Congress.
  17. I'm tired of some stupid ass German acting as if he knows more about American citizens then do people who have lived their whole life in the U.S. Maybe if we didn't have to pay for the defense of your country we would have more money for social programs.
  18. Fuck you. And fuck your stupid ass country of Germany. You pompous know it all idiot who knows absolutely nothing about this country.
  19. Sorry, but I don't drink alcohol. I'm not an alcoholic like you. Cheers!!!
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