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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Attorney Sidney Powell said they have located at least 450,000 ballots where Joe Biden was the only person on the ballot voted for. All the rest of the ballot was blank. 98,000 of those ballots were found in Pennsylvania, in Georgia 80,000-90,000, in Arizona 42,000, in Michigan 69,000-115,000, and in Wisconsin 62,000. Does that not sound kind of strange? Think maybe those ballots should be investigated?
  2. There is a lot of time between now and Jan. 20, so why not do a thorough investigation of the 2020 election process? If we do not clearly prove that Biden was fairly elected, 1/2 of the country will forever consider Biden's presidency to be illegitimate.
  3. But where I live it is the Democrats who are not wearing masks. Also, the Confederate flag originated with Democrats.
  4. How convenient for Joe Biden and the Democrats. Six days after the election Pfizer announces that they have a vaccine that is 90% effective against the covid-19 virus. Wonder how long the people at Pfizer have known this?
  5. I'll make you a deal. I'll accept Trump's loss the same way you accepted Hillary's loss. Okay.
  6. I thought you wanted "scorched earth" policies. I'm suppose to help with that?
  7. You don't sound so sure. Afraid Putin won't get the winner he wants?
  8. No, I told you the real facts. And is simple mathematics if the vote totals are correct. Probably more chance of you going to prison than Trump.
  9. And your opinion is even more irrelevant. Like I said before, the election results are not official until each state certifies the vote counts. News media and Russian opinion is irrelevant to the final decision.
  10. Sorry, but the news media does not get to determine who won the election. That will be determined only when each state officially certifies their vote counts.
  11. I won't enjoy the policies the Democrats impose upon America, but watching Joe Biden perform as a mental incompetent could be entertaining. Sort of like the Chevy Chase skits on SNL of Gerald Ford.
  12. Doubt that I'll enjoy the Biden comedy show or doubt that Biden will last one,two,three or four years?
  13. It is too early to determine whether there was or was not any voter fraud. There has not been enough time to complete an in depth investigation.
  14. Actually, I was referring to your "anally fixated" psychological condition.
  15. And I'll enjoy the comedy show of Joe Biden trying to be president for the next one, two, three or four years.
  16. Thank you for a true picture of present day America. Much better than I could ever express it.
  17. No, I labeled it a lie because it was a lie. I watched Fox News Saturday night and the Jessie Waters and Judge Jeanine Peros' shows were not on because Fox News was covering the Biden/Harris victory speeches.
  18. Why all this wasted energy being expended to hate Trump? Joe Biden is the new president and Donald Trump will leave office on Jan. 20, because even if Joe Biden is found to have been elected through voter fraud we are too far down the road for the establishment to allow a reversal of current election results.
  19. The late mail-in ballots have been segregated, but their votes have been included in the totals presented by the news media. If the U.S. Supreme Court determines that the late mail-in ballots are illegal those votes will be subtracted from the current count.
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