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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Your Stalinist mind set is becoming more obvious with every new post that you make.
  2. You mean like Hillary, all the other Democrats and people like you did in 2016?
  3. And someone who is so incompetent that she had to drop out of the Democratic presidential primary before the first primary election even took place.
  4. A stiff finger is probably the closest you have ever come to having an erection.
  5. Might be difficult for Biden to become president when he is unable to receive a security clearance because of all the shady overseas business dealings by him and his family members.
  6. I don't have a business, so how could my business be failing, dumb ass?
  7. Think Biden will tell the truth about his business dealings in Ukraine, China and numerous other countries? But don't worry, that will never happen because the news media will never ask him any questions about those illegal dealings.
  8. Terrorist threats? You are the one who suggested that I should be run over by a bus, you little deceitful lying weasel.
  9. But still won't change the fact that your business is failing because you are incompetent.
  10. I could have told you that when they started counting ballots in Philadelphia, one of the most politically corrupt cities in America.
  11. Wonder if Biden will take and answer questions from the press like Trump has done for four years.
  12. I see you are rewriting history again. After Trump was elected there were numerous legal challenges to his victory and then they tried to play games with the electoral college to keep him from receiving enough electoral votes to be declared president. Hillary to this day has not accepted the results of the 2016 election. In addition to that she and her buddies in the Obama administration created the Russia/Trump collusion hoax to undermine the Trump campaign and then his presidency. The Democrats and never Trumpers spent over two years with the Mueller investigation "looking for something that does not exist."
  13. You are so fucking dumb that you believe the wall is made of bricks.
  14. No, those 3 justices will make rulings based upon the U.S. Constitution and the law, and not based upon their personal political ideologies as do the liberal justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.
  15. What will be more interesting will be when Trump sues whoever leaks his tax returns and ends up with everything that they own as compensation.
  16. Like I said, he could have done it in his second term. Also, the wall helps to pay for itself by greatly reducing the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs into our country. Illegal Immigrants and smuggled drugs cause a big financial burden for the U.S.
  17. The OSCE is just another worthless liberal European organization.
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