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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You study all the writings of those leaders to understand their thinking at the time the Constitution was adopted. That's what real Constitutional scholars do.
  2. I wonder if Joe Biden and the Democrats will accept the result of the Nov. 3rd election or will they fight the result for days and weeks in court?
  3. It's only 7 days to Jan.20th? You must use a different calendar in Canada than we use in the U.S.
  4. Now Biden thinks he is running against some guy named George. Not sure if he thinks it's George Bush or George Washington.
  5. Each day you become a bit more deranged. After election day you'll be in a straight jacket.
  6. We don't have a national register, thank God. Voting laws and registration are handled by each individual state. You seem to be very trusting of government officials. I am not so trusting. Therefore, I do not want total control over the whole voting process concentrated in the hands of a few government bureaucrats; especially, if one of the election candidates is not acceptable to those bureaucrats.
  7. You really shouldn't talk about something you totally don't understand. It makes you appear to be very stupid. Voting and registering are two totally separate issues. Registration is done prior to voting. The registration lists are used at election time to insure the integrity of the voting process. If there is no registration process like you suggest how do you prevent people from voting more than once in an election?
  8. The way I see it is that the career politicians in the Democratic Party didn't really believe all the radical shit that was being taught to kids in school, but they saw endorsing those views as a way to gain the votes of younger voters and thus hold on to power. But people like AOC and the "Squad" really believe all that radical progressive stuff and are now forcing establishment Democrats to enact those radical ideas or else be replaced with new progressive Democrats. That's why Nancy Pelosi is now Speaker of the House in name only. The real power in the Democratic Party is now with AOC and her radical crowd. The AOC constituent is still highly pissed that Obama did not go full steam ahead in 2009-2010 with the progressive agenda when the Democrats controlled the House, Senate and White House. If Democrats win everything this time they will be forced by progressives in their party to enact all their radical ideas. Or as the "bug eater" calls it, "Going scorched earth."
  9. You don't want to accept that he is Black because you have a shallow mind that stereotypes people. Your comment just proves to me how racist you are by believing that all Black people think the same way. That's the 1960's mentality of Joe Biden and the rest of the Democratic Party.
  10. Voters totally rejected career politicians with Trump's nomination in 2016. He won the Republican nomination because he was not a career politician. The same thing is beginning to happen in the Democratic Party. People are fed up with the Washington D.C. political establishment.
  11. But it is you who is the real racist when you tell a Black person that he is not Black because he does not think like you. You almost sound like the racist Joe Biden.
  12. If Trump loses the Republicans are finished for a long time. He is the primary reason voters voted for Republican candidates in 2016. The Republican establishment has no one to attract voters like Trump has attracted them. Do you really believe Trump voters are going to support any never-Trump Republican candidates in the future? In 2016 63 million people voted for Trump. Without those 63 million votes the Republicans can win nothing.
  13. The only reason to have Susan Collins in the Senate is the "R" after her name. If it weren't for that I'd have no problem with her be trounced in her election. She is almost as worthless to the Republicans as were John McCain, Bob Corker and Jeff Flake.
  14. The more people that vote is not necessarily a plus for Democrats. In Florida Republicans have registered 140,000+ more new voters than have Democrats, in Pennsylvania Republicans have registered 103,000+ more new voters than have Democrats, and in Arizona Republicans have registered 40,000+ more new voters than have the Democrats.
  15. And Gov. Andrew Cuomo is the one who caused New Yorkers' suffering with his incompetence!
  16. You know your campaign is in trouble when you need Cher and Bon Jovi to campaign for you.
  17. Steve Schmidt is a Republican establishment never- Trump political operative loser who ran John McCain's failed presidential campaign and who is seldom correct about anything.
  18. You mean the criminals Joe and Hunter Biden and the rest of the Biden family?
  19. Biden would definitely be great for Europe but terrible for American working class people just like Obama was. Biden would kiss the asses of European leaders just like Obama did. That's why Obama is more popular in Europe than he is in America.
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