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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. It means that they are not allowed close enough to see the ballots nor observe the signatures on the certification envelopes.
  2. The truth will come out later about all the corruption taking place in the counting process in Milwaukee, Detroit, and Atlanta.
  3. But your saying that I lick Trump's ass wasn't insulting to me?
  4. But she wouldn't prefer you, and the guy she's engaged to wouldn't be too happy about that.
  5. I can accept losing when the game is played fairly, but I get angry when someone wins by cheating. If the count is being conducted fairly why have Republican poll watchers been banned from the vote counting locations by Democrats?
  6. Watching Democrats steal an election tends to do that to me. And listening to idiots like you makes it worse.
  7. No, that's what I've personally observed living in the U.S. for 74 years.
  8. I said inner city politics were corrupt, dumb ass. Inner cities did not elect Trump.
  9. And you are fucking fool who knows nothing about inner city politics in America. All inner city Democrat governments in the U.S. are corrupt to the core. That's how Democrats continue to maintain their power in those cities.
  10. Don't worry. The Democrats who control the vote counting process in Atlanta will find or create enough votes to give the Georgia election to Biden. The outcome is predetermined, it's just a matter of how do they accomplish the task.
  11. No, that was Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Cheating comes natural to both of them.
  12. Too bad for you. Without Trump you'll have nothing to talk about.
  13. Why don't you get your god damn German nose out of our election? Go to hell.
  14. There surely are a lot of brain dead suburban White women in the U.S.
  15. No, that's what the Democrats and the American news media have done with the Russia/Trump collusion hoax. Better stick to politics in your country because it is obvious that you don't have a clue as to what is happening in the U.S.
  16. The 67 million people who voted for Donald Trump will never vote for any Republican candidate chosen by the elitist pricks in The Lincoln Project. The political process in the U.S. will never return to what it was before Donald Trump. Those days are over.
  17. The truth is that a pandemic does what it is going to do regardless of who is in charge.
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