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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The best reason in favor of Trump being reelected is to keep the Democrats from destroying the country with their liberal progressive socialist Marxist policies.
  2. Maybe you need to take another glance because very many people at Trump rallies do wear masks. But Nancy Pelosi didn't wear a mask when she was suppose too. Chris Cuomo didn't even wear a mask when he was was infected with covid like he was suppose to. Lesley Stahl didn't wear a mask at the White House when she interviewed President Trump like she was suppose to. So many Democrat members of Congress wear masks when the camera is on them and then take them off when the cameras are gone. You probably don't even wear a mask when you are suppose to.
  3. The Lincoln Project was started by loser Republican political operatives who ran failed presidential campaigns for John McCain, Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.
  4. No, I wasn't wearing a MAGA hat because there were too many Democrats in the restaurant not wearing masks that I didn't want to piss off.
  5. Some people at age 33 also die from the flu. I thought you believed in science. Check the statistics for deaths by age groups from covid-19. It is very rare for someone age 33 to die from covid-19 unless they have a preexisting health issue.
  6. The same Michael Cohen who was convicted and sent to prison for lying under oath? He has about as much credibility as Michael Avenatti. LMAO
  7. Is this the same elections expert Harry Enten who on June 16, 2015 wrote the following for the FiveThirtyEight group, " Trump has a better chance of cameoing in another 'Home Alone' movie with Macauley Culkin -or playing in the NBA finals- than winning the Republican nomination."?
  8. New green jobs, just like all the shovel-ready jobs that Obama promised from his $800,000,000,000 stimulus package in 2009. And then when the jobs never materialized Obama laughed about it and said 'shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.'
  9. When Joe Biden looked at his watch was he checking to see if it was past his bed time, or was he checking to see how much longer his anti-dementia medication would continue to work?
  10. Like I said before, you need a new writer. You are very boring.
  11. The deaths occurred long before any court rulings against the lock downs. Recently death rates have dramatically reduced because we know much more about the virus and know more about how to treat it.
  12. And when are you going to come up with something original? All you have are your video and cartoon propaganda posts from left wing sources.
  13. And the states with the strictest lock down policies are the states with the largest number of deaths from the virus.
  14. You need to hire a new writer, your material is getting stale. Never anything new.
  15. According to the Imperial College of London the U.S. was suppose to suffer 2.2 million deaths from the coronavirus. So it appears Trump saved almost 2 million American lives.
  16. Obama never spoke the truth for the whole eight years he pretended to be president.
  17. Tonight we learned that Joe Biden wants to eliminate fossil fuels, wants to grant amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants, and supports future covid lock downs. Those positions might not go over to well with moderate Democrat voters.
  18. Biden was pretty pathetic. WGN poll said Trump won debate 74% to 24%. I wonder if the wife of the Moscow mayor paid Joe and Hunter in rubles or dollars?
  19. No, she should ask the question and then give the candidate 2 minutes to talk about whatever he wants to talk about, period. It's then up to the other candidate in the follow up part of the debate to press his opponent for an answer to the question. Voters are watching, so they can form their own opinion about a candidate not answering a question. I'm tired of news media people sticking their fucking noses into the debate. Why do these news people get to choose the topics anyway, who made them gods? Hunter and Joe Bidens' business dealings in Ukraine, China and other placers should be part of the debate. It's beginning to look like they both may have committed major crimes. CHECK OUT THE NAME TONY BOBULINSKI ON THE INTERNET.
  20. After the moderator asks a question her mic should be turned off too. Otherwise, Trump will be forced to debate two people at the same time.
  21. Hunter should have talked to Hillary. She could have shown him how to bleachbit a hard drive so that he and his dad wouldn't be having all the problems they now have.
  22. Biden's mic being muted would be the best thing that could happen for Biden. Trump should allow Biden to talk and talk and talk. The more Joe talks the more chance there is for his dementia to be revealed.
  23. Unfortunately, the Debate Commission has made this debate about issues that voters are not even interested in. How can you have a real debate and not even talk about foreign policy or the economy?
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