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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. But you are missing the point of why the general was killed. The Iranian general was in Iraq to help plan an attack on our embassy in Baghdad to kill our diplomats to recreate what happened in Benghazi. He was killed to help prevent those attacks from taking place.
  2. Okay. I was raised Catholic, but no longer attend church since I returned from the Vietnam War in 1970.
  3. By the way, my ancestry is German. My ancestors left Bayern for the U.S. in the early 1900s.
  4. It's easy to be an atheist when you are young. Wait until you get closer to death and see how you feel. Besides, atheism is just another religion.
  5. But you didn't answer the question. Guess that wasn't part of the indoctrination process in your liberal progressive German schools.
  6. So you are a Christian and Catholic hater too? And who was it that invaded Spain? Ever hear of the Moors?
  7. I think you need to dig a little deeper into that history. And what were the people of Iran going to do with the oil, at time they were still riding camels.
  8. In order to understand the actions of Iran it is essential to understand their religion which influences everything they do.
  9. So who did he want to sell it to,Germany? Or were the Iranian people going to drink it?
  10. Not stubborn, just strong convictions. Let's just say you have a lot to learn. And the charge of being a reactionary is a charge very often used by Communists.
  11. And what would have been there had there been no Shah.
  12. I am 73 and have actually been a soldier in a war and have personally seen much more history than you. So to me, your comments are very naive.
  13. Because they overthrew the Shah who was repressive, but do these new leaders treat the people of Iran any better than the Shah did? And when the Shah was in power Iran was not a threat to the stability of the Middle East.
  14. You need to understand the religion of the leaders of Iran. They believe it is their obligation to make the rest of the world conform to their version of Islam
  15. We will send in no troops. If Kim is stupid enough to attack South Korea or Japan, we will just bomb his nation into the stone age ( even though they are almost already there because Kim cares nothing about his people).
  16. Trump is much more stable and intelligent than you could ever understand. Much more intelligent than any European leader. Again, you are so naive.
  17. Nice intellectual comment you just had. But when it comes to the real world I do not want mentally unstable people like the religious leaders of Iran nor Kim of North Korea with nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver them anywhere in the world with ICBMs.
  18. Ever hear of the carrot and stick approach in diplomacy? If Kim ever launches a missile into South Korea or Japan watch what Trump does to his fucking country. Right now we Kim have by the balls with sanctions. So either Kim gives up nuclear weapons as he promised we will keep economic sanctions in place. Kim threw a temper tantrum because the sanctions are hurting. those tantrums worked with Clinton, Bush, and Obama but not with Trump.
  19. I watch numerous news channels everyday. I now clearly understand who you are. You hate America. America rebuilt your fucking country from bombed out rubble after World War II. President Reagan also forced The Soviets to tear down the Berlin Wall. I'm all for removing our troops from Germany, and allowing fools like you and Angela Merkel deal with Putin on your own. I don't need a history lesson from a naive fool like you. I also have the feeling that politically you are a far left individual, if not an outright Communist.
  20. The only time Trump plays golf is on weekends which is much less than Barack Obama did who actually played during the week. Your statement is insane. Screw you and your stupid ass country and your girly man leader who married someone old enough to be his mother, so that he has someone close by to give him motherly advise everyday.
  21. Anyone who trusts Putin is a naive fool. And when Putin invades other Eastern European nations Germany and their military will sit there with their fingers up their asses and do nothing. Ask the people of Ukraine, Poland ,Hungary , Romania, Lithuania, and other nations bordering Russia what they think of Putin and the Russian military.
  22. The IAEA is a joke. They are only able to inspect in places where Iran will allow them to go.
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