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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. But I'm not telling you what to do in Britain, bluewinner has a detailed plan on how America should fashion it's healthcare system. As far as I'm concerned, Britain can do whatever the fuck it wants inside Britain as long as it doesn't affect me or my country.
  2. And you apparently know nothing about anything.
  3. The last thing America needs to do is take advice from some ignorant Brit like you. I think you need to be more concerned about your sorry ass country. And our economy is the biggest in the world because we didn't listen to fools like you.
  4. Yeah, we learned that big time almost 250 years ago. That's why we kicked their asses out of the colonies and proclaimed our independence.
  5. To me the English Monarchy encapsulates what has happened across Europe. It appears to me that the European people have become willing to relinquish individual freedom for a guaranteed government level of economic security.
  6. And almost all that 3 million vote difference came from New York City and Los Angeles. Donald Trump did not even campaign in the states of New York and California because he knew they were lost causes from the beginning. If the presidential election were based just upon popular vote he would have campaigned in those places and could have won the popular vote across the U.S. Instead, he concentrated on winning the electoral college vote which is how our presidential elections are determined. Look at the results of the 2016 election by counties across the U.S. and then tell me who was the more popular candidate across America in 2016.
  7. Or maybe very intelligent. Which country is next to leave the EU?
  8. Since you don't live in the U.S. where does your "reality" about the U.S. come from? What are the sources for your information about my country?
  9. How many American companies paid no income tax last year, and why did they pay no tax?
  11. So why would the U.S. ever want to embrace European economic policies that have destroyed the economy of Europe? If the EU system is so great why did the people of Britain vote to leave the EU?
  12. Hell no, Bernie will never say that he wants the U.S. to become like Cuba or Venezuela, but if his insane policies are enacted that is exactly what will happen. THANK GOD YOU ARE UNABLE TO VOTE IN OUR ELECTION.
  13. Me too, then I can watch Trump and the Republican Party win in a landslide in Nov., 2020.
  14. "Washington Post attacks Bernie more than Trump." That is such an ignorant, stupid, and uninformed comment. The Washington Post and New York Times have attacked Donald Trump everyday since he announced he was running for president.
  15. A Brit. Now I understand why your comments are so repulsive to me. The last thing we need in the U.S. is a socialist form of government like you have in Britain and the rest of Europe. Maybe Boris Johnson can help save your sad country, but I doubt it.
  16. Don't you even watch your big hero, Bernie? Check Google and Youtube for his comments about putting fossil fuel executives in prison.
  17. Does Bernie write an extra check to the U.S. Treasury every year when he files his Federal income tax return because he feels guilty about being part of the under taxed 1%?
  18. Some of the protesters are even shouting," Death to Khamenei."
  19. If Bernie were elected president he would probably help Putin in his plan to rebuild the Soviet Union.
  20. You left out the Soviet Union which Bernie was a big fan of.
  21. Probably be Stacey Abrams. But I could go for Maxine Waters, either one would give the Democrats a ticket of "Dumb and Dumber."
  22. And did you know that the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is a liberal progressive Democrat who is also the owner of the Washington Post? The same Washington Post which attacks President Trump every day.
  23. I probably want Bernie to be the Democratic Party's presidential nominee more than you do. I just wish AOC were old enough to be his VP candidate. Then they would both have the national stage to themselves to reveal their ignorance and stupidity to all the American people.
  24. With the way the federal government manages and spends money, the last thing we should ever do is give them more of our money to manage and spend. Only a fool would want to do that or someone like YOU who probably has never paid a penny of income tax in his/her entire life.
  25. And businesses that cannot afford to pay $15/hr wages will layoff employees or close their businesses. And how is Bernie going end wars, by waving a white flag? Exactly how do we pay for Medicare for all, tuition free colleges, and rebuilding the infrastructure?
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