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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Here is exactly what you did: I made the comment, "To get back on topic,what are the fabulous Kristy and Alana doing in B-1." Your answer to that was, "Living their life, and you?" I answered, "Wasting my time with you." Then you replied, "you are loosing your valuable time, I am afraid." But when you closed down the site you deleted my comment of "wasting my time with you." You then moved your comment of "you are loosing your valuable time, I am afraid" to be an answer to my comment of "So begin the the conversation about Kristy and Alana in B-1, and I will be quiet until someone attacks me again." That makes you a dishonest deceitful person. Unfortunately, most of today's conversation in B-1 has been deleted, but if any other Mod has access to the deleted material please read all of the conversation and you will see that I am telling the truth.
  2. Truth hurts,doesn't it? I know you don't mean Happy New Year, so I will not return the phony gesture.
  3. Anybody who trusts Putin and the Russians in anything is a damn fool.The kind of fool who would have cooperated with Adolf Hitler before World War II. And had it not been for what you deem to be the evil Americans you would most likely be speaking German right now and have a swastika tattooed to your forehead.
  4. Poor little Viking Ed2 can dish it out, but when return incoming fire becomes too much for him he runs to his daddy mod with his Viking tail between his legs begging the mod to ban the people who are attacking him.
  5. When someone insults me I throw it back in kind. Apparently you didn't see all of today's conversation in B-1 where ED2 personally attacked both me and my country.
  6. Look in a mirror and you may see who she was talking about.
  7. Exactly correct. Especially, when you have little clicks on here that gang up on anyone who does not agree with the way they see things.
  8. One thing you said ED2 is that the only country that has made progress with ISIS in Syria is Russia because the USA has no allies there. Sorry ED2, but it was the U.S. in cooperation with Kurdish allies that wiped the ISIS Caliphate in Syria and Iraq off the map. Russia's ally in Syria is Assad, a brutal dictator who kills his own people. So, ED2 are you a liar or just stupid?
  9. Poor little innocent ED2. And what were some of the things you said about me and America today ED2?. Poor little cry baby Viking.
  10. Moos54 i respect your right as a mod to remove comments from a thread that you deem to not be appropriate for that thread, but I detest your editing comments to present an untrue picture of a conversation, and you know exactly what mean. But maybe that's the way Scandinavians behave because of their uncivilized, deceitful Viking heritage.
  11. Moos54, I have a comment for you in in the mods section of "Rants and Flame Wars".
  12. Next Keeper31 will be trying to convince us that The Holocaust never took place during World War II.
  13. More truthful than anything that comes out of the stupid Trudeau government or the CBC in Canada. The CBC is such a childish petty operation that they actually edited out a cameo appearance by Donald Trump when he was a private citizen from the holiday movie "Home Alone II". How childish and vindictive liberals are.
  14. Wrong again, like you are 90% of the time.
  15. Trump is a hell of a lot more truthful than the Clinton and Obama administrations ever were.
  16. This comment is intended for stupid,uninformed, ignorant ED2 who just recently in the B-1 thread said the the only country that has made progress against ISIS in Syria is Russia because the USA has no allies there. You damn fool, it was the U.S. with the help of our Kurdish allies in Syria that wiped the ISIS Caliphate in Syria and Iraq from the map. Russia is an ally of the brutal dictator Assad who kills his own people. Are you really that dumb, ED2?
  17. This is meant for you KEEPER31. You said that ISIS has never beheaded anyone, and that such accusations were just leftist propaganda. With such a statement you have proven yourself to be one of the most ignorant or dishonest son of a bitches in the world. I challenge you to answer my comment. But I expect you will not, because you are a phony cowardly low life asshole.
  18. I agree. I've asked several times for people to talk about Kristy, Alana and B-1, but they continue their attacks.
  19. So begin the conversation about Kristy and Alana in B-1 and I will be quiet, until someone attacks me again. Fair enough?
  20. So why does no one want to talk about Kristy and Alana? I come on here to learn the latest exciting things they are doing and I hear nothing about them.
  21. Again guys, lets get back on topic talking about all the exciting things Kristy and Alana are doing in B-1 that you people are paying money to watch. I can only see the kitchen, but the beauty of that is that it costs me nothing.
  22. To get back on topic, what are the fabulous Kristy and Alana doing in B-1?
  23. If you guys are so intent on seeing Kristy be fucked just go to pornhd6k or pornhd4k. All her RLC sex videos are there. Kristy may have never intended to be a porn star but she has become one anyway thanks to the internet..
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