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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Keep your head buried in the sand and hope that the first nuclear missile that Iran launches does not land in Berlin.
  2. The U.S. is now energy independent thanks to President Trump, so we no longer need their fucking oil. But your country does need oil and natural gas from foreign sources. And Angela Merkel is so dumb that she is now making Germany dependent upon Russia for oil and natural gas. Once Germany is dependent upon Russia for it's energy supplies, wait and see how long it takes for Putin to shut off the flow of energy if Germany does agree to some foreign policy in Eastern Europe that he favors.
  3. The statement that there is no proof that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and ICBMS is laughable..
  4. So when Saddam invaded Kuwait the world was to sit by and do nothing? If not for the U.S. presence what would stop Iran from invading Iraq or SaudiArabia since Iran is not allied with Putin and the Chinese?
  5. But Iran is developing nuclear warheads and building ICBMs to deliver those warheads anywhere in the world, and they have openly promised to remove Israel from the face of the earth. At their rallies in Tehran they routinely burn the American flag and shout "Death to America". So with those threats are the U.S. and Israel to sit by and watch Iran develop nuclear warheads and ICBMs?
  6. So we are suppose to do nothing and allow him to kill our people at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad? The general was a ruthless killer who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people through the actions of terrorists groups that he over saw.
  7. No, hopefully the people of Iran will overthrow their oppressive war mongering regime.
  8. Our intelligence had learned that he was planning attacks to kill our diplomats in Iraq as was done to our diplomats in Bengahzi. I guess we could have taken the Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton approach and allowed them to kill our diplomats, but thank God they are no longer in charge.
  9. You mean like Putin and Russia followed the rules when they invaded Crimea, and the members of the great U.N. sat there with their fingers up their asses and did absolutely nothing. But "The One" Barack Obama in his infinite wisdom did send the Ukrainians blankets and sea rations to protect themselves from Russian tanks. It was not until President Trump came into office that anti-tank Javelin Missiles were sent to Ukraine.
  10. I don't expect that we will attack inside the borders of Iran without provocation. But if Iran attacks any of our citizens including members of our military or any of or allies then we have justification for attacking them. As for the U.N., my feeling is "fuck the U.N.' for being a worthless corrupt organization. All they do is give cover to all the two-bit dictators around the world. If I had the authority I would kick the U.N. out of New York City and have them relocate to a city like Havana where they could feel more at home.
  11. I don't expect that the U.S. will attack inside the borders of Iran either, unless a direct attack from Iran on American citizens or one of our allies takes place. But I think the leaders of Iran are too cowardly for a direct attack. What I expect them to do is to conduct a terrorist attack on innocent civilians through one of their proxy groups.
  12. So now I think I know who the mod is. If what you say about another mod is true, then I apologize for accusing you of distorting my conversation.
  13. I'm beginning to believe that your CC profile face is your real face.
  14. Here you go again with the obnoxious cheap shots. Which later you will most likely deny that you made. You have no thoughts worth putting into my brain. My lack of culture? So you are another elitist asshole prick like Northguy. I wouldn't want the culture of your Viking ancestry, who existed by plundering and killing civilized people.
  15. Probably, but I still bet it's in the back of his mind. Just like it is now in the mind of the North Korean dictator.
  16. Time to go to recurbate.com for some entertainment from "Pioposh". Bye.
  17. Khamenei my lose some sleep if he hears a plane flying over his house. I know I had a tough time sleeping in a bunker at night wondering if the Viet Cong were going to launch some rockets or mortars our way that night, so I slept as much as possible during the day.
  18. They will have a hard time replacing this general. Because Trump did nothing when they shot down our unmanned drone and did not react militarily when Iran attacked Saudi Arabia's oil fields, this general apparently thought he was dealing with another wimpy Obama, and was planning to recreate the scene in Benghazi by killing U. S. diplomats in Iraq. When Trump learned of the general's plan he ordered the drone strike on the general. The general was in charge of all of Iran's terrorist activities around the world.
  19. I wonder how well Khamenei is sleeping in Iran tonight after receiving the information of what just happened to Gen. Soleimani in Iraq? Could there be a drone out there with Khamenei's name on it?
  20. This is how you always react. You make nasty remarks towards people and then deny that you did anything. There are many people on CC who will verify what I just said.
  21. What the hell are you talking about shooting people? Sometimes your conversation is so irrational that I have a hard time making sense of it.
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