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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. What obvious reasons?You can't handle someone disagreeing with your opinion?And Kami has been on RLC only since 2015,so anything that happened on CC previous to March,2015 is irrelevant to the Kami discussion.
  2. Maybe that's why the dating culture has given way to the hook up culture.Especially,when the rap music they listen to refers to women as bitches and ho's.
  3. I don't accept my opinion as fact.I just try to form my opinion based upon as many facts I can acquire.I have based my opinion of what Kami wants out of life upon all the information I have acquired from March,2015 to the present. I might be right and I might be wrong,but my opinion is not just pure speculation with no facts to support it.
  4. I don't understand Russian.That's why I rely on other people's translations and her social media to form my opinion about Kami.In addition to that I have watched her on RLC since she first arrived in March,2015.
  5. If you don't understand Russian,I just don't know how you can be so sure of what Kami wants out of life.
  6. I don't think you know Kami very well.I suggest you go to the "Kami is back" thread and read all the Kitek translations to have a better understanding of who Kami is.
  7. And people making comments on CC don't have their minds in the gutter?Apparently you don't read many of the comments in the forums. LMAO
  8. And just because a person uses bold print doesn't mean his opinion is more credible than anyone else's opinion.
  9. Just because she dresses like a hooker does not mean that she is a hooker,but if she is wanting to attract men who are looking for a serious relationship and not just a one night stand maybe she needs to dial back the sexy a little bit.
  10. I said a hooker has something to sell,not Kami.I said Kami maybe would not attract the type men she attracts if she didn't dress like a hooker.Can you read?
  11. Also,if Kami didn't dress like a hooker when she goes out maybe she wouldn't attract these kinds of guys.
  12. Not even a One Night Stand.The guy fouled out of the game. I thought Kami liked rough sex.I guess that doesn't include breaking fingers.Wonder if this was just a spat or the end of this guy?
  13. Katya closed the living room doors.Wonder if that means she expects someone to be coming home later tonight?
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