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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. They can help to pass more laws that will do absolutely nothing to stop school shootings.The most violent cities in the U.S. are run by liberal progressive Democrats.
  2. It seems that everyone gets blamed for the shooting except the person who actually did the shooting.The gun did not walk into the school by itself and start killing people.
  3. That was the Obama proposed law that defined people who were unable to balance their checkbook as mentally incompetent,and therefore not allowed to own guns.
  4. And in those countries the citizens are not allowed to own guns to protect themselves.
  5. Why do Democrat politicians not say anything about the violent movies and video games which pollute young peoples' minds?Think maybe it's because the people who produce that garbage contribute tons of money to liberal progressive politicians?
  6. Yes, the teachers have done a great job of indoctrinating them with liberal progressive bull shit.The kids emotions are being manipulated and used by liberal progressives to promote their political agenda.I want programs that truly protect the kids,not more illogical emotional rants for gun control and hatred for the NRA,which is all I've heard from the students so far.
  7. Not true. The NRA is in favor of keeping mentally ill people from having guns.I am in favor of keeping weapons from mentally ill people.It just depends how you define mentally ill.Obama's Administration wanted to include a ban of people who were no longer able to balance their checkbooks because they were considered to be mentally incompetent.
  8. Automatic assault weapons are already illegal.
  9. They are killing unborn babies.I called them no names.I just stated a fact.If a fetus is not an unborn baby,what is it?
  10. But you don't have a logical response,just put down ridicule lines.
  11. Israel also doesn't have school shootings because the teachers are armed.
  12. Too logical for a liberal progressive mind,right?
  13. The Federal government gives money to Planned Parenthood to destroy unborn babies,so why can't the Federal government give money to public schools to provide security guards to protect our children.
  14. That's because our public schools are run by left wing progressives who don't want students to know that.
  15. The Second Amendment was not written so that people could own guns for hunting,it was written so that American citizens could protect themselves from a tyrannical government.They didn't want to be ruled by an American King George.
  16. And once those weapons are illegal and the shootings continue there will be cries from the left for more and more bans until they get what they really want,a ban of all guns.
  17. It's also possible to argue that the shooting in Florida is more reason for law abiding citizens to have guns for their own protection.Gun free zones just guarantee that the people in these locations will have no way to protect themselves.Why do you think cowardly shooters like this kid attack schools,churches,theaters,concerts and other places where they know people will be defenseless?Why don't they attack police stations?Maybe because they know the police are armed?
  18. It's illegal to own a fully automatic assault weapon in the U.S.
  19. The NRA does not make massive political contributions.It's not a gun problem,it's a sick people problem.Left wing progressives do not want to solve the problem,they just want to exploit the problem in order to further their political careers.I grew up in a rural U.S. county where probably 75% or more of the homes have guns in them,and gun crimes very seldom happen there.The 18 school shootings figure is a distorted statistic put out by Bloomberg to further their political agenda.Why does no one question the violent garbage put out by Hollywood and the video gaming industry?Maybe because they are left wing contributors?
  20. I agree,but there is no simple solution;and,unfortunately a lot of politicians just want to appeal to peoples' emotions just for their own political benefit.
  21. There were warning signs all over the place about this shooter.The school and law enforcement blew it.
  22. When the family structure of a society falls apart the society falls apart.Sorry,but there is no simple magic bullet solution to this problem.
  23. So what is your solution?More gun laws?There is a law against murder.Did that stop him?If he was willing to violate the law against murder do you think he would be afraid to violate another gun law?
  24. Kami seems to have her days and nights confused.With her "Good Afternoon" means it's time to get up,"Good Night" means it's time to party,and "Good Morning" means it's time to go to bed.
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