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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Appears Dima is afraid to allow Kami much time alone with anyone else.Strange how he just shows up sometimes.He appears to me to be very domineering,controlling and insecure.
  2. Yeah,but this is premium only,so they are expecting viewers to pay for their apartment.Why would anyone pay to watch an empty apartment?
  3. Okay,if you have seen them.Myself,I have not.I saw a photo of Nora offering Kamila a cigarette in Barcelona but I have never actually seen her smoke,so I cannot say yes or no.
  4. Did you actually see her smoke or did she just go out on the balcony with her friend so that her friend could smoke?
  5. Kami spends 3 days with the boyfriend and now the girlfriend shows up at almost 1:00am. The mystery continues. lol
  6. With Kami and Kristy both being home tonight I have a feeling we might get some sort of staged show since they know viewers are pissed because they have been gone so much.Will it be a massage or a bath together?
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