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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. I can't see jack shit with the banner they've put over the previews 🤬 How can i see what's happening from the previews so i can determine whether i wanna sub or not?? Who the fuck is making these decisions at RLC??
  2. it's limited to only free cams that can be seen,other cams were visible with a slight blur,but now there's a banner over all the cams and replays!! fucking pansies (RLC management)
  3. RLC has limited the number of cams that can be seen without a sub!! this site has gone to shit!!
  4. I would've prob gave her a wink or something,let her know that I know her,without actually telling her I know her from the program...I was able to get a voice message from Elettra though 🤗
  5. That's why i did't bother to renew my sub until they kissed or ate each other out!! hoping they build up to it though...
  6. i'll resub when they kiss,that's how i'll know it's real!!
  7. Pregnant women tend not to do laborious tasks (heavy exercises)
  8. hahaha,she reminds of the "guy" in the vera and una relationship! lol
  9. Placing great emphasis on the crotch area😁
  10. In most instances,sex is required to get pregnant....
  11. I'm willing to jerk tibor off in order to sniff those leggings when she's done exercising 🥰🥰🥰🤣
  12. tim probably is still about tim!!! i plan on renewing my sub when/if she fucks him or some other guy on cam!
  13. Her way of 'making up' for yesterday... it's a pattern she's been cultivating since she started spending nights away. My sub is up, will resub when something worthwhile happens
  14. She had an eventful day as assumed 😆...hope she brings him to bf for sexy times
  15. And after a loooong day of 'being shown around barcelona' by her 'platonic' guy friend,our beautiful princess is off to sleep 💤 😴
  16. I know,the 2 lesbian 'couples' need to get the fuck out!! Zara,dana and the entire B1 is also a good start!!
  17. She should pack for good,she's washed up in my opinion!
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