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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. Is bogs telling nelly about how amazing aziza was in 'bed'?? 😂
  2. he has been very respectful and accomodating to nelly,so yea,i'm happy if he's having his forbidden fun,just wish it wasn't off cam!
  3. did they really have sex?? fuck that junkie nelly anyway!!! she didn't give a fuck how bogs felt when she got it on in the pantry with martina (as hot as that was)..im happy for bogs if he's getting some "new" pussy!!
  4. That top is struggling to contain those lovely sweater cows 🤩🤩🤩🤩
  5. 🤣🤣This chap I've never met somehow figured out my obsession with linda,and decided he'd provide me with a means to express said obsession!!! 😅
  6. she got you good,didn't she buddy?? lol
  7. Rlc's management need to be fired if that's the case, hiring someone to 'make up numbers'... but yea, she needs to pack her shit!! As i said before,nora started the 'do as little as possible and get paid' trend and as a result,this apartment has been cursed...Gina and Stella spiced it up a bit when they were here,Marlene over the last year provided bountiful content,but it's not enough,this apartment needs to be closed!!! And I hope to NEVER see Irma or Esmi on this site again!!
  8. Best tits in RLC history for me!!!!! 🥰 i wouldn't mind having an avatar of those glorious milkers!!!
  9. The MAIN reason i use a disposable prepaid card with just enough to pay for the sub on it!
  10. i did,got 3 extra days on my 5 day sub,they charged me even though i cancelled and it's not the first time this happened!!!
  11. this couple was a flop from the very beginning,can't believe they're still here!!!!
  12. wonder if she knows who the father is???
  13. i do prefer smaller tits and tani's are perfect!!
  14. bruno is still the undisputed champ in terms of most RLC girls slept with....gina,stella,ulyana,holly and i may be missing one or two other girls!
  15. Good for her!!! Grisha is pathetic in bed,hope she gets some "yanai" style fucking tonight!!!
  16. Grisha is the WORST guy in terms of sexual performance in the history of rlc, and Paul set the bar really high!!!
  17. Kimberly totally shit faced!!! Yana just tucked her in
  18. Grisha is the most pathetic lover I've EVER seen in RLC!!! So I really hope he doesn't try with anyone else....
  19. Grishas having performance anxiety it seems,alsu seems to like him...anthony saw them being touchy feely on the couch next to him so he to that as his que to gtfo lol
  20. This is fucking hilarious that you captured and saved all of these photos!! 😆 🤣 😂
  21. Always knew Carla had it in her (girl/girl).... she seemed to enjoy watching her man fuck another woman!!!
  22. Yes,this threesome was a top RLC moment for me,yanai seemed to have gotten his 10k back with a bonus! 😆 The chick was clearly a prostitute,made it all the more hotter for me!! Wish my lady would give me prostitute 3somes....
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