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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording I call this pose "The Leora" lol
  2. 'Axe Wound' is more fitting for hers! It's really neat and beautiful 😍
  3. Hard to believe Kimberly and the b1 girls went out in this weather!
  4. Alsu leaving,curious to see what happens next...will 'minute man anthony' go 3 up??? Bruno is the only dude I think slept with more than 3 RLC chicks...Stella,gina,holly,and two other chicks i can't remember right now,hope someone can verify.
  5. you must be really bored my friend......
  6. saw yanai's new hairstyle and this immediately came to mind 😆
  7. who said he was gay? wasn't most here saying 'miron was gay' when he first got to rlc?
  8. Anthony continues to 'chip away' at Kimberly's defenses,I would love to see Kimberly have sex..... just not with 1 minute anthony 😒
  9. yanai or sasha are incredible,well endowed lovers....i would love to see tani in the sack with either of them,or either of them with leora! show her what great sex feels like!!
  10. I would like to see him shag tani,she's incredible in bed!
  11. That's the point,look good,eat crap and never have to set foot in a gym!
  12. Vencel tried to get frisky with elli,my interpretation of her body language to him was 'fuck off slob' 😅
  13. Prob got a call from RLC admin to put some 'time' in on the 'job' 😆
  14. slob got out the shower,he's prob expecting sex....😁
  15. sorry about the wrong thread! lol he's a fucking slob tho!!
  16. You guys talked about mirons body, but vencel in my opinion is way more sloppy and fat!
  17. It's also prob why we're on a voyeur site as well!! Typical men,always thinking with their dicks.....🥲
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