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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. as it should be,and as it should've been with ESMI!!!! these do nothing girls don't deserve my viewing time!!!
  2. I think it's a heartbreak,into the shower fully clothed!
  3. Happy to see her trying to regain her sexual side, she's been in a funk for far too long!! 😍
  4. The last 24hrs we have seen one of the most passionate/natural threesomes ever on this site,and leora doing a bate seen dozens of times is top cam!! Fucking ridiculous this cult that follows her! Smh
  5. lev was an alcoholic......i hope zoya isn't still with that prick!!
  6. I'm not saying ahr doesn't have a great body,her behavior just creeps me out!!! She sucked tims dick within the first few days of getting here,made out with Lilith and after that.......nothing!
  7. Usual weird shit,hiding under the blankets,staring at the cams,unsettled behavior etc
  8. all her videos were removed their apt was moana and balu
  9. My question is,since it's so disturbing (which it is),why is it top cam?? 🤔
  10. I am no longer a defender of this greaseball! His behavior tonight was despicable!!
  11. I WAS loyal,he's pulling a rather douchey move right now by groping a passed out chick!!! She's even snoring,wtf,even THAT is not enough to deter the big guy!! 😆
  12. Wednesday eating and fingering 'ginger' while Wayne fucks her!! 🔥
  13. Finally she got the courage to join,she wanted to sooo bad!! 😃
  14. And here we thought Bruno to be the biggest douche RLC has ever seen!!! Total dick move 🤮
  15. Looks like it was a result of something bogs said, they seemed fine until Bogdan came over and started talking, prob why he got slapped too...
  16. Where did Wayne, Wednesday and company go for their smoke break? Not seeing then outside with the others,'ginger' rolled three 'cigarettes' and they disappeared soon after....
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