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Everything posted by Newton

  1. BBsq69, why don't you just stick to drooling over Leora. You seem to be at your best when you're occupied with that.
  2. Question to those who've seen more on RLC than I have Is this normal for them? Is it a case of attempted rape? or just another instance of RLC men who cannot keep up with their women's' appetite? (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  3. It's a large file this time. The buildup was slow, with a surprising amount of cuddling and foreplay from Paul. Unfortunately the only lighting comes from the TV. It was so dark I was expecting the video camera to switch to night mode (Content No Longer Available)
  4. This bating session was quite unexpected: Paul in the LR, the door wide open. Lately, something is not going well between Leora and Paul. For days on end there is very little communication between them at home. He's in the LR either at his desk or bored stiff on the sofa. She's busy doing something in the GR or is in one of her house cleaning frenzies. There’s no sexual contact between them at all. His few advances are elegantly rebuffed, and her advances are either totally ignored or taken no notice of. When one of them has a rare guest, the other makes him/herself scarce. I don't know what they do during their daily outings, and I've only been viewing them for a few months, but this is not normal for a young couple in the prime of life. There seems to be a deep frustration there. Frankly, I find it quite sad.
  5. Being a book lover myself, I have a soft spot for anyone who appreciates books. I'm curious what books she bought. Any help from the Russian speakers on the forum in answering this would be appreciated
  6. I wonder if Paul has any clue of what went on while he was snoozing, and why Leora is so chirpy with him right now... I just hope the dog keeps its mouth shut
  7. Sorry that I missed the beginning. In the meantime, you can enjoy this part until someone hopefully uploads the complete session . (Content No Longer Available)
  8. Video 13 minutes of not much happening, and yet... (Content No Longer Available)
  9. Video from a short while ago, in the dark The usual jack hammering, but toned down a bit this time. (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  10. Yesterday's tears were much more than a delayed reaction to Paul's abrupt behaviour. They were Leora's venting of pent up frustration at a relationship that is basically incompatible. And as happens in most cases, it was the woman that brought it to a head. Leora and Paul know very well that they are locked in a sad marriage. Their personalities, interests and sex drives are incompatible and now that the novelty of living together intimately is wearing off, their incompatibility is becoming more evident. It's most probably the comfort and false security of an RLC apartment that is keeping them under one roof but this will end eventually, and what then? It's really sad and they each deserve a happier life. I hope they each find it eventually.
  11. While their love-making has no Olympian displays of stamina or raw pounding, Maya and Stepan are one of the very few RLC couples who are genuinely tender and affectionate with each other. And they have a dog that for a change doesn't get in the way. (Content No Longer Available)
  12. I assume that your quandary pertains to the pink box-like contraption with the black cord between Leora's legs. The uses of the other pink contraption between Leora's legs, the vertical one slightly behind and to the left of the former are most probably very familiar to you and require no explanation.
  13. A longer version of today's fun, including Leora warming herself up, the deed and a short aftermath. It's wonderful to see what a healthy sex drive Leora has and how uninhibited she is. I wish her good health after the horrible scare she had during the past few days. (Content No Longer Available)
  14. Leora and Paul had quite a stormy day today (my guess is that it's something to do with their finances) and while Leora worked herself up into another one of her house cleaning frenzies I could hear her humming to herself the tune playing on her smartphone. She's very musical and I too wondered how she puts up with Paul's aimless scratching around on his guitar. Just goes to show (again) that love is blind... and tone deaf.
  15. The complete version (including a prologue and epilogue. I prefer it that way). I missed the first minute of Stepan reciprocating. (Content No Longer Available)
  16. I'm a sucker for anyone who loves animals. I've immediately got a soft spot for him/her. Glad to see that quite a few of the RLC apartments have pets that are treated kindly. And if you ever want to observe a dog that's completely in tune with it's mistress just watch L&P's little dog. That apartment wouldn't be the same without that small lovable pest.
  17. Peking, I'm with you on preferring the extended version. Every video (just like every story) should have a good prologue and epilogue. I also prefer an uncropped screen. Your video fulfills all these. It's excellent, thanks.
  18. Video Two things to point out: 1. Notice how Leora teases Paul, plays coy and has him in the palm of her hand 2. Count the number of pillows the dog snatches and rapes. (Try and disregard the distraction going on in the foreground) (Content No Longer Available)
  19. Chip2020, could you please provide the name of the video capture software that you use? Thanks
  20. My first attempt at uploading a video. Unfortunately I missed recording the beginning of the action (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
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