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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Milena is blocking tremendously the guy to make his moves to Nadia.
  2. Nadia doesn’t look though in the mood for a fun night but let’s hope it will change somehow ..
  3. Normal daily lives from a normal modern day couple .. without cameras obsession , hiding or feeling shy of what they do and with who they do .. This is the definition of how it should be , we see it excellently from Gyana and Dantez , fantastically from Scarlett and Casper and in the youngest version way 😆 from Elli and Vencel . Sasha and Dasha are veterans and they know exactly the things to provide , Eliska and Pepik , they disappear at times .. all of the rest of the couples ( apart from Karol and Kos in Barcelona ) are currently , THE LEAST to say , problematic as hell ( Nelly and Bogdan , Tereza and Timur , Gabrielle and Louis are another category ) .
  4. Another nice , wonderful and normal daily life couple , for sure the 2023 discovery of RLC , generous with the audience and just relaxed and cool in everting we see from them . Well done RLC Poland .
  5. We should not forget that Nadia and milena went out together earlier .. So , the guy most probably was met with both of them … other than that , Milena in such occasions and NOT WITH HER CHILD , she’s already destroying even more a rather disappointing opinion that the majority of this forum has about her during this stay .. Pitiful to watch that - no matter what if it is extreme money needed - she initiates things so as the apartment to get views and whatever .. Really sad and one of the things that will always hunt her on her “ cameras times “ .
  6. I also don’t remember if this is the guy who Nadia had sex with to “ forget “ a bit her break up , he looks not the “ best “ with his approaches 😬😬
  7. Mama Milena can turn this night into a BIG BIG fiasco and disaster … otherwise , Nadia is here to entertain and show us ONCE AGAIN her unique skills 😋😋
  8. Well .. At least we get to see A REAL TENT in the fitness room 😂🤣😂😂😂
  9. Tereza’s behavior and attitude towards the Italian couple , it is the least to say , inappropriate . She wants to do nothing with them , completely indifferent and doesn’t give a fuck . It is kind of strange as she could practice her Italian that she likes and tries at times , I agree that people can’t like obviously everyone , but she has made ZERO trial to try and interact with them . In my eyes , it is like showing the RLC management that she’s completely against the idea of having this couple in B5 , even more listening perhaps to the suggestion of a local newcomer tenant , Lubna ( who again has been seen not even saying “ hello “ to her ) . Unfortunately , with T&T looking to be the new B&N in Barcelona , in case they don’t ultimately get their own place , the coexistence with Louis and Gabrielle will be more than problematic as the winter times won’t allow for such extended outgoing times like in the summer . Let’s see .
  10. Watching guests being so natural , so authentic and having zero issues standing fully naked in front of cameras and taking a simply daily routine shower , it reminds everyone that RLC is just a platform and how “ inappropriate “ tenants are for this kind of “ job “ when ( being paid ) aren’t even willing to remove ( at times ) even their panties .. oh well , big kudos and applause to the beautiful lady ( I think it is Dantez’ or Gyana’s mother ?? )
  11. I am 1000000% sure , if whatever we saw was happening in the Barcelona apartments , the forum would be full of “ rape accusations “ , groping , asshole guy trying to do all when REPEATEDLY girls told him no .. The way I see it , there are many people here who simply want to have easy cheesy events like in their houses .. that is watching tenants in front of tv , cuddling and reacting while watching a series or a movie , smiling and in tears according to what’s shown , holding hands and interacting while their favorite program is on and late in the night , a kiss good night and hugging to bed and sleep .. This is exactly what people want to have , a resemblance of their daily life so they can follow RLC according to their needs and not guys fucking , girls having every night a different guy , people smoking weed and drinking alcohol … WHAT ?? It isn’t like this ?? 😰😨😂🤣 I need urgently to wake up for me lethargy of RLC watching
  12. Warning and alert ‼️ Prepare for a “ philo “ evening … Notice has been given 🤐
  13. Who knows ? It might have all been orchestrated from the mega blue balls orchestrator , Irma 😏😏 Who knows ..
  14. It isn’t actually like this for the Greek explanation 😉 … The Greek name for Latin Andrea is for males “ Andreas “ and for females “ Andriana “ .. now the way you call a male if you want to address to him , you say “ Andrea “ . There are more explanations but has been a long working day and needs rest .. so .. 😌
  15. A very fair explanation and many good points to be taken into consideration . Some points form my side to mention - And we don't have a clue what she has experienced in the past......No one but Leora knows, although there has been much conjecture no one really knows what happens outside the apartment now or in her past. Even being a speculation , I think it is more than obvious that Leora has no any actual sexual experiences . The repertoire is based om some really “ basic things “ that of course have to do with her partner . They don’t watch porn which could for sure improve their sexual life and I also believe that Leora wants to try and do more but for a number of reasons , she stays stable to the security of the things known . The points that she masturbates so much ( apart from her “ job “ duties )and performing on cameras almost daily , for me it is a clear indication that she’s sexually unsatisfied by her partner and that she “ lives “ the sex pleasure by believing that masturbating she’s satisfying her partner ( in our example the viewers ) and of course satisfying her body / female needs . I agree that she’s not an one night stand person , I will again obviously speculate , but I consider Paul one of the maximum 5 guys that she might have had ( even if 5 is also a big number ) , this is also based to the lack of social skills and interaction with other people . Seeing that she’s not an outgoing person and that she’s difficult in socializing , I can’t think how she would have had before meeting Paul other guys ( again speculations ) . I also consider her “ sex adventures “ with the guy she had in Prague as nothing special , she hasn’t shown any difference of the things she was doing in Russia with Paul than when he appeared again in Prague. Of course she has been seen with more toys but I don’t consider them as sex experiences , to me it is pure cameras for the viewers experiments while trying to satisfy herself with other ways . My conclusion is that Leora is “ trapped “ in many things in her life with this guy she shares her life . Again we will say that the potential it is definitely there and it is endless but for her own reasons ( my explanation is that she feels safe and secure because she knows him since a young girl ) she has chosen to make , do , practice and live the basics . The time will come that she will question all of her current and previous years choices , I hope she won’t regret whatever she has been deciding , the time NEVER EVER comes back ( she has already lost some of her best years of her life from my point of view ).
  16. Once again , the replays show how much more of an impact a guest can do .. and that’s why we are INSISTING for guests interactions .. oh well , people want one more masturbation in the end like they have never seen it before 😁😁
  17. Very nice sex voyer’s game … with lots of “ To Do , Not To Do “ , this is a great moment not knowing what’s going to be , trying to figure out the reasons and watching all the time wanting to see more and more and things and don’t ..
  18. And … guest girl continuing Babi’s job 😉
  19. Guest girl very horny like not having done sex for loooooong time
  20. FINALLY .. we are having a proper threesome .. Babi’s return befriending Masha is triumphant 😋😋… Special note 😂 Irma is “sleeping” in the living room at the same time …
  21. Babi took the panties off the guest girl ..
  22. Babi blowjobing , the guy whatever 😄 .. guest girl kissing the guy ..
  23. Well … without questions , amazing for us 😋😋
  24. For what I know , Babi has ( had ?? ) for quite some time a boyfriend in real life , this is a weird thing in any case ..
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