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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Milena hiding the others is really sad . She can’t even achieve anything by herself anymore .. first it was Lubna , the last two times she called Fiora who loves the cameras and Nadia simply is her pet as she’s kind of her big sister and she trusts blindly .. On the other hand , kudos to Nadia because she tries to spend more time on cameras and in the apartment and I get the impression that she starts liking the idea of being watched. She has nothing to lose , fantastically pretty , single and alone , i strongly believe that she now sees the cameras as a way to escape her grief of separation , hopefully she gets the master bedroom when the mama finally departs and maybe we can have again a wonderful Lavika alike tenant . But Nadia now is simply great to watch for her beauty .
  2. I should have thought better … the only connection that Masha now has as valid in Barcelona is Tereza and Timur ( plus the RLC people but maybe she didn’t want to ask for the villas ) , the fact that there are also Italians living in B5 might have played its role . Masha will educate very fast the couple and give them the most of advice that can have from a veteran expert . It remains to be seen how the whole atmosphere between these 3 couples will be and if Masha manages to bring together this big gap that the two couples face currently .
  3. Milena day by day it is pitiful to watch . A woman that having a child , you could imagine that at this age she would have figured life at least a bit , on the other hand , she seems wanting to live things that she didn’t while being younger .. she has a child and instead of - when her time allows - dedicating to her child , she runs to super luxury villas and apartments in Mykonos , following a single - model type and insanely beautiful young woman Nadia ( who has the whole life on her feet and can choose and do whatever she wants as she has no obligations ) - girl that obviously has some more than powerful connections - AND MONEY from whatever sources - to enjoy a week in Mykonos ( life there and the lifestyle they had is thousand of Euros …. ) … I start believing that it is either her mistake and she and boyfriend are in a break or she IS COMPLETELY desperate for money on keeping doing such a life and things …AND .. I never hint or indicate things and i NEVER believe on whatever is said for the outside life for the majority of the girls , BUT … A week in Mykonos in luxury ??? What can I think even me ?Mykonos isn’t for common people , especially July and August .. end of story .
  4. Careful . Forum member Rafan will come to you and tell you to go and ind your own business that you believe that N&B are responsible for the downfall of the villas… That you found a reason AGAIN to accuse them…
  5. There are people here that call me an “ RLC Agent “ , “ RLC employee “ someone that enjoys all that is being shown and presented .. It’s funny that they are waiting for my next praising ( which seems to be very soon and if Masha appears .. ) to hit hard with their comments … The Barcelona content each and every day sinks more and more .. Poor Megan , her guy was visiting her 3 times and most probably she wanted to visited him once and she even got hammered because she has been more than fair and generous with a rather honest and sincere seat so far. So yes , i am surprised that this show on putting flour on private parts gets attention ( on the other hand what else to watch , exactly how Leora gets her top cams since when she performs nothing else goes on … ) and not criticized like watching elementary school people making goofy thingies on cameras ( apart of being adults and naked ) … Holly motherf…..er 🤯🤯🤬😡
  6. I am more than SURPRISED that no one has brought up the fact of two major news we got to know ; a ) this is the first common ever holidays for Masha and Elvis , one more “ move “ from Masha to have him accept what she wishes perhaps and solve a problem that troubles her mind , the holidays together is for sure a big step . b ) Presuming that they go in Barcelona as has been hinted , the only room available for them looks the penthouse in B4 . Knowing that at the moment there are NO relation ups between Bogdan / Nelly and Masha ( maybe Bogdan still has some contact with Masha ) , it makes anyone wonder how Masha will be getting a place in B4 ( why decides and who grants her access so easily ) … Plus , we get to know and perhaps become very very interesting whatever connection ( or not at all ) Dylan has with Masha and Elvis . It is known that Dylan is Elettra’s suggestion but Dylan and his charm around Masha and if she takes notice his skills , well , let’s see how it goes .. ( Still Masha is more than satisfied with Elvis and as we said , it is a tricky trip for Elvis ) … all in all , ONCE AGAIN MASHA SEEMS TO BE SUMMONED IN BARCLELONA to bring a bit of her aura and save the villas and the apartments in general ( expect some Timur / Tereza times as well .. )
  7. Not even the element of surprise anymore … so very much expected this show 😡😡🤬 The mama is sinking this place more and more and the two younger ones don’t have the ability to run things their own way ..
  8. He has the best habit … HE MAKES LEORA HAPPY HAVING SOMEONE AROUND and not being lonely and isolated as she was for the 70% of this stay so far .
  9. Since Ulyana’s departure , it is pure downfall in the mood of Harley , her chemistry and relationship with Ulyana seemed to me more genuine ( maybe due to common habits and closer age difference , Fiora is much older , despite living together in the past , it doesn’t seem like harmony as we knew it between Harley / Ulyana - also a reason that maybe has more contact with Milena / better communication ) . And .. Harley keeps on avoiding everyone ..
  10. B5 has turned into a ghost house , nothing inspiring or any kind of interaction between the couples , RLC managed to ruin even this place that had a kind of nice chemistry at times with 4 people doing their things .. Nothing against Gabrielle and Louis but this isn’t clearly something for them . They’d job is more important outside than things happening inside . Lubna seems that told them just to fuck on cameras and sleep there and that’s it . I am still surprised that Timur convinced them to go to the villas a couple of days ago . Tereza wanto to have ZERO interaction with them , it is really a pity that they managed even that . Of course it is also a mistake of T&T but on the other hand , at least Timur tried even when he welcomed them . Barcelona apartments in a disastrous downfall … Even the fun and alive place of Harley ( till and when Ulyana was there ) seems to “ fade away “ more and more everyday . Even Ashley ( I can’t even forget her first days that people were saying she was a wanna be porn actress 😂🤣 ) is feeling so boring and after Gloria’s departure she wonders around without any purpose apart from some random and occasional shows . Even Dylan ( the other wanna be porn actor according to the people who know it all ) is trying to find purposes to be at the villas and enjoy his stay . It is just Sambuka enjoying and living her life with her own terms , to be quite honest , THE ONOY REAL LOCAL TENANT who is the reason to watch Barcelona , trying balancing outside life , inside apartment’s life , the friends she has before entering RLC and bringing them on cameras and keeping a more than decent relationship with the majority of her colleagues in the rest of the apartments . RLc managed to ruin Barcelona even more than what was the first months of 2023 and the biggest part of the winter ( luckily we had the fun story between Taylor and Kristy ) … All interesting and interested in RLC world people are nowhere to be found ..
  11. Ready for another show later on so as this place gets some viewership ..
  12. What in the RLC’s world are you paying to watch ? I ask you for the millionth time .. What site do you expect to see when you type the address on your browser ? How do you think the word is spinning around for young people nowadays ? That they go every Sunday to the church , they have the ( MAJORITY ) the 09:00-17:00 office job and they are free to have fun and party on Friday and Saturday evening ? Make a tour in the evening in public squares , at club places and bars around your home daily and see how the young people behave , how they act , what they do .. It is the instagram /tik tok era , there are no emotions , just young people who have CHANGED the SEX / DRUGS/ALCOHOL( ROCK N’ ROLL ) line to POSE/EXPERIMENT/ TRY IT ALL nowadays .. it is 2023 , WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING to see in this site ? There are couples living daily lives that look beautiful and have principles , lesbians with their dogs , people who change countries just because they are desperate to make MONEY , MONEY and even more MONEY .. and there are the people in Barcelona , a modern era mega city who people want to make the best and craziest of it . WHAT IN THE RLC‘S WORLD ARE YOU DOING watching this site ? What do you want to see ?
  13. Last year we had the same boredom except that the B7 villa was open and I we had at that time Tani in B4 who was amazing during her times with Tim and Samson if I remember correctly who was really cool . We would just expect after 15 months that the villa is open and the cast was really great back in April that it would continue nice , but …
  14. I didn’t have the sound on that day , I just said what I saw from the pool incident and onwards when Aziza went to Dylan and she wanted to have fun with him . You saw what happened before , good for you 😁 .
  15. I never understood his “ douche “ behavior , I try not to be prejudiced , but , I honestly haven’t seen anything that he did wrong . ALL THE GIRLS he fucked they went back to him for a second time or more … Things chilled for unknown reasons , the biggest question mark for me is his relationship with Ashley , I could never ever expect what’s currently going on ( THE ABSOLUTE NOTHING ) between them . I totally agree with a post made by a fellow forum member that this current cast is not even 1/10 worth of all the girls we had back in April . How can I compare Lialia and Rachel to Wendy , Azura and even “ the mysterious Aziza “ ? Or amazing Ari ? Let’s see how it is going to be ..
  16. Imagine if Dylan was going even in the LR in B7 while - for example - Lacrim was with Ashley a couple of times and touching her , trying to kiss her .. PFFF .. The jealous guy , the one who can’t stand his housemate to fuck a girl he had till recently , the asshole , the one who can’t accept other guys fucking and BLA BLA BLA .. imagine any of those even making a debate , being with a girl and fucking by a pool and they would ( ok forget the stupid girls who didn’t even know what they were doing , especially Tani ) come with the torch of the mobile on to disturb you while fucking just for what ? Lacrim didn’t even know why he was going to the pool to disturb Dylan and Aziza .. And bad karma hit him hard when he trembled his legs and fell while going to do one of his bullshit stupidities and later “ collapsing “ like a beginner because of the alcohol somewhere in B4 .
  17. What Paul is for Leora as not being alone on a country that she resides 4 years without having 1 SINGLE FRIES. , Elvis is the sex drug addict that Masha needs to satisfy her complexity sex life . Numerous times said , he is a sex toy for Masha that satisfies her the way she wishes . When women get addicted to certain routines , good for them but only on surface . Deep inside the needs and desires are more but …
  18. It is 2023 , men are doing exactly the same , CHOOSING . We should just have the balls to explain to women and not cheating if we play it relationships and bullshit . You say it from the beginning to the woman that you only want sex , plain and simple and you proceed . Then they want you even more 😂 . In general , I disagree with your post , I see things , live and experience them in other ways .
  19. It is a more than fair explanation and apologies if it came as a negative post from me to you , I just saw no emojis ( using them a lot I can perfectly understand 😁 ) . I just think you forgot to include one or maybe I didn’t check it correctly . In any case thanks for the clarification , all fine .
  20. Why women aren’t allowed to have many partners and enjoy sex and when they do as so to be categorized ? If we as men fuck one girl in the afternoon ( girlfriend let’s say ) , then in the evening we go and fuck the lover and the next day one colleague from work in the office because she simply wants to fuck , what are we ? Gigolos ? Casanovas or Brad Pitts ? We should feel great as men that there are women who have no boundaries and they are doing all … Such things are only a mistake if the persons involved don’t explain the situation , that is , it is just sex and pleasure and nothing more .
  21. It wasn’t any direct indication to certain people , in fact with ones who were doubting I have had ( and I want to believe we will keep on having )some really good chats here at the forum . It was just that - AGAIN - there have been people indicating ? / wanting ? for the guy to fail , not succeed to fuck Sambuka . I really don’t understand why this hate for the guys not wanting to be successful with women . Especially when this particular one we have seen in the past fucking her and at that time it was clear that Sambuka was teasing and playing with him so as to reach even better satisfaction feelings . I can only wonder for Lacrim and Sambuka that she had him just for 2-3 minutes not to have him blue balls and never to be around him again realizing her FOOLISH move some weeks ago . All in all , as I said , when a woman is surrendering to us for sex night marathons , for sure we the guys , we do something right . And this guy knows what good things he is doing to her .
  22. The most insane thing though remains .. Despite the parade of guys , Dylan’s extreme flirting last week and Megan’s occasional visits of her guy , Shantal isn’t giving in to any of the temptations that are daily in this apartment and she keeps managing BEING THE NUN with her actions .. she still manages to control her emotions and not surrendering .. it is like she has made a bet with herself not to do anything no matter how she n fire she would ever feel .. absolutely insane that her hormones manage to hold her woman desire needs .. INSANE .
  23. No comment to people who are just jerking off currently 😂🥲 .. the guy licks her and elevates her , he can easily make her squirt , he fucked her on the couch , on the oven , now he takes her from behind .. he still won’t be allowed to fuck ?? Blue balls ? Are we watching another apartment ? Sambuka wants him with her own rules and he obeys .. I am sorry , fucking Sambuka I would most probably obey as well 😂🤣.. what matters in the end it is the pleasure in all possible ways , these two they simply LOVE their moment .. that’s how I see it .
  24. Give to us men a woman that wants to BE FUCKED EVERYWHERE in the house , we become the biggest servants .. Sambuka controls this guy but how can he not fulfill her wishes when she in the end wants to have the maximum fun with him … Sambuka’s secret is that she PLAYS all of her lovers under the rhythm she wants , with the wishes she wants … All different lovers serve a different wish for her , everyone gives her something that the other cannot ..And that’s why she manages to have whoever she wants , whoever SHE COMMANDS , whenever and wherever age wants … Still , this is Harley’s biggest contribution apart from the moments she has given us , THE DISCOVERY OF ULTIMATE HORNY SAMBUKA . Bonus ; We should feel grateful she’s managing to persuade ALL of her lovers ( except one ) to be generous on cameras , another achievement obviously.
  25. There’s only one Sambuka … end of story … the best currently by far than the rest .
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