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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. And through ( and thanks to Anthony ) we get to know lots of info about this nice new girl , perhaps can be very useful in the future 😉😏
  2. Serafima seems to be the biggest recruiter , maybe she is the manager at the end 😂🤣 with an another gorgeous friend 😉 ... plus , new face girl speaks English 😎 Monica would have certainly moved to B5 if there was a guest room , this is another conclusion we can make ☺️ But ... she leaves soon 😔 as she says now on the phone ..
  3. More new faces ( and possible castings 😇😇 ) , well done to everyone
  4. It isn’t real , Gina has these sticker tattoos , don’t know how to explain in English . In any case , nothing real of a tattoo ☺️
  5. Slowly we are becoming more that we wish to watch normal things from two normal people than repeated sexual acts of any imagination . But wait to see how your comments of watching something normal will be confronted . The basic will be “ why the girls should do something that the 2% wants and not continue with what they are comfortable and feel nice with it , what’s the point so as to grab top cams when they can easily do it every night by being side by side bating or cuddling “ .. The wet dream of everyone wanting to see the two girls engaging at any lesbian act will keep running wild 😆 Because who could predict one year before that Malia and Leora would touch one another ‘s pussy and bate one another ... Hope the summary has helped for your conclusion ☺️😇 And to add one last thing , as I have repeatedly said , watching normal things now for RLC viewers ( BBQ , birthday parties , theme parties , spiritual staff , dancing ) are considered efforts to attract viewership and top cams 😂🤣 when these people are acting simply normal , enjoying their lives and socializing to fight the isolation of Covid and the restrictions and they simply don’t care if they have 1,000 people watching or 2,000 , they simply want to live normal things that they miss doing at the current locked outside world . But the viewers give top cams every night to two girls watching their tablet , caressing one another with the ultimate wet dream to have one lick the nipples of the other , to have the one penetrate the pussy or lick the pussy of the other . Of course like you I will tune in to watch if this happens , but if it doesn’t appear at the thumbnails , i prefer watching more normal things and whatever shows that are different and can offer at times some real life drama than “ knowing personally when I’ve been sold to “ ☺️ Sorry for long post , it is just good to read also others that they are questioning this no social life of the girls in front of the cameras and not being the only crazy guy asking for that ☺️
  6. I didn’t watch a lot last night and missed the cake 😬🤭 Thanks for lost updated info 😇
  7. The BBQ has began , B&A in action already and the dogs ready to give reasons for Bogdan to clear the grass at the weekend or for the cleaning lady to reappear 😂🤣
  8. @omedo ; please continue providing with your valuable and useful information through your translations and even more with your great posts and comments concerning your thoughts about the tenants and especially Martina that you have been watching even more careful than the majority here before becoming double and triple more popular after her mixing with the Russian apartments ☺️ And don’t let people that whatever fairy tale , script , scenario or whatever they have on their mind not being able to be proved on cameras and therefore having to create it or insist that it is happening to satisfy their ego and get their confirmation to affect you as a great poster and contributor that you are for everyone here ☺️☺️😇
  9. I think it was this chakra thing that all the girls were invited , like they did around Russian New Year’s Eve . This time it was just that Nelly , Aleksandra and Gina didn’t attend and perhaps B4 girls and Claire wanted to overnight and it spontaneously came as a party . Everyone shared their bed by the way , except Radislava which had Holly sleep in the living room... ahh , who knows , perhaps it shows something or shows nothing about the girls relations 😂
  10. Tits that don’t “move “ , always plastic ☺️ She has a really small scar , very difficult to watch and almost invisible , I have zoomed with the tablet and managed to check it just to confirm the good job and not the plastic insertion 😇
  11. I haven’t been watching so much tonight as it is a very quiet night and they are preparing maybe for the BBQ and booze Friday evening as it has been mentioned , I think she took a jacuzzi shower and making sexy videos and then in her room .
  12. I will say again that I am not an Aleksandra fan , but I think she is by far and from all the tenants in all of RLC apartments the most erotical and sensual participant , the way she touches herself and moves , she can really drive the imagination wild .. much much kudos by me ☺️
  13. Many people just prefer to watch them live this isolated life in their apartment with no friends , no visitors , nobody ... except only one guy who entered the “Kingdom “ and he was immediately cursed 😂🤣 So , why should they risk their popularity and the “ selling “ of themselves that they do perfectly to have one million comments here judging any other individual entering their “Kingdom“ that 90% will either be a slut ( if it is a girl ) , a moron or pussyboy ( if it is a man ) ... Nobody has a chance for a good comment , the girls protect themselves like this and they just piss off people like you and me that we want them to act as normal people with social life in their apartment and not as programmed and schedule GOV in Prague , ready for one more clickbait show .
  14. All ready for Ariana’s open chakra session ☺️ this girl ( Ariana ) has definitely put her own mark as one of the tenants that she has been different and offered also other types of entertainment , I mean , in now almost 4 months , she has managed to unite all the girls of the current Barcelona cast and even make ones that have differences and not being under such friendly terms ( Amira / Sera ) to leave it all behind and reestablish their friendship .. Ariana , the boss of all the Barcelona apartments ☺️
  15. I am sorry to interfere and I agree that he doesn’t know anything about your personal life , but you do the same , you have absolutely no idea and you know absolutely nothing of what these people do away from the cameras 😬 And I answered especially when I read that YOU KNOW that all the secret meetings are happening in the ( closed ) B3 🙄 And you know this how exactly ?
  16. It was mentioned that they will be back on Friday for another event , they will take the dogs also , I think it makes it more than clear that it is all perfectly fine with all the interactions between N&M . If he didn’t like anything more or if he would have felt any sort of “ relation threat “ , he wouldn’t have allowed Nelly to be invited in the apartment and even more , allow her to sleep on their bed with her and of course , he would have never returned at B4 as he is planing to do . They are a loving couple with their relation perfectly explained and under what terms they move with it and their lives ,I wish couples were as modern and adapted to the current modern 21st century and 2021 times that we live .
  17. Maybe Pepik making the final arrangements for the after RLC life and that’s why it has taken some more days for them to move out .
  18. Wonderful watching the interactions of Gina and Luna and in general these 4 young people , a breathe of fresh air again and reminding of good friendships and wild youth times ☺️
  19. She would have emptied all the supplies of the villa’s fridge and cabinets while everyone would sleep in the morning and after the party 😂🤣 and they live 6 people there and not two like Z&L’s place 😂🤣 Of course , the villa has no balcony that she can sneak if she feels bored 😂🤣
  20. Just to state also my point of view of the incident between N&M and the heat they gathered hiding their interaction . I tried to comment on it also while it was happening , they absolutely didn’t care about RLC , viewers and whatsoever . They did whatever they did absolutely real only for themselves .They felt attraction to one another as two normal people will feel at similar circumstances and they let their passion do the rest . They didn’t care for more subscribers , more viewers , camera angles and whatever any of us might wanted to see . It was as much real as it could get , two women simply liking eachother and trying to get advantage of the moment and go for it . Don’t you think that when they got out of the hidden place they could carry on and make viewership skyrocket even at that late time for us Europeans ? No , they kept on with their wild passion at time , ignoring anything and anyone just to enjoy it for themselves . Now remember , whenever we see any tenants getting poses or looking the cameras and do stupid staff , we call it a show or clickbait for more subscriptions and so on . When we finally get a real moment , that it is just two human beings who simply want to fuck eachother’s brains out , we condemn them because they didn’t do it open cameras . You think that they would hide anything if they were in a room ? Come on , they fucked at Megan’s room and still people came here to say that it was a show and if we actually saw any finger penetration and whatsoever 😂🤣😂🤣 What I want to say it is , that this was a moment for both of them without the burden of working for RLC at that moment , they went let’s say off script of what they need to serve while on cameras . They cared for no one but themselves . And for two people who lived such a personal moment just for themselves and they were let’s say “ unlucky “ that they both have decided to have a contract with RLC and at the moment they felt horny and attracted , it happened that that they are in an apartment within the boundaries of their RLC contract , well for me , even if i didn’t manage to let’s say be compensated by watching them clear view , I am unlimited happy that they proceeded for their fun and their fun only without caring for my viewing . Because I pay for real life and that was as much as real as it can get ☺️
  21. Nice post , great sharing info ... Linda , Kitty and Luna are also authentic I would say , of course they have their issues as any human being ☺️ The rest , they have a thing with the cameras life 😆
  22. You are right with the point of having the guys watch , on the other hand , from what we can see in front of the cameras , I think both Bogdan and Alberto are satisfied for the sex quality they have from their girls and maybe they don’t search for anything different , I believe they just don’t feel so ☺️ But maybe I am wrong , in any case ( and again for what we see in front of cameras ) , I appreciate and admire both of them for their loyalty , especially Bogdan being surrounded by all those women and not even touching “ strangely “ any of them
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