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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Life is strange , for everyone . Managing to go out of a world that defined a person , gave money and the chance to do things that perhaps never this person could imagine , well , it is for sure a reason to always “ feel committed “ let’s say and grateful . Irma realizes and understands . I always believe and say that a person should know when to leave this job , Irma says she’s done and we should ALL wish her the best . BUT , there’s a word in life that shouldn’t be existing let’s say 🤣 .. and this is the “ NEVER “ word , in life , NEVER SAY NEVER . Obviously we wish Irma that it all goes the way she has dreamed , imagined and planned . But the fans will always be around and embrace her as they have done ALL the times in the past … Personal opinion ?? For as long as we have people on cameras that are connected in a way to the times that Irma spent with RLC , Irma will be appearing , even like now . But , again , that’s a personal opinion. NEVER should never exist and life is strange 😉
  2. A couple of years ago , there was a couple , Luna and Cesar’s aka Curly cousin , can’t remember his name now . He had a cousin or a friend or whatever she was 😂 , she would put toothpaste on the cameras and …. SHE WOULD CLIMB the balcony of the apartment next door to go and “ steel “ food 😂 … This was one of the craziest things we have ever witnessed plus of course a guest covering the cameras .. poor Luna , she had to clean the cameras .. and she would open the fridge at any time to eat .. the even funnier part ? This girl she was HOT AS HELL , beautiful , big tits .. ahh well , RLC stories 😁
  3. She’s a model type girl , diva style . She was bad in the past , she’s ok now , let’s say better . We can’t like everyone , it seems she sees these two as very indifferent persons and she doesn’t want to have any particular relationship . I think Timur would like more interactions but we know that he is too weak to Tereza and he will do in the end whatever she wishes .
  4. The Italians will be taking over 😁 .. we have Masha . Elettra , Babi , Taylor . The funny thing is that anyone who has been brought on cameras from Italy , they have been some of the best tenants ever . Dylan and the couple together now , well , he has now an alternative apart from B1 since the couple is working and the apartment can be free at times 😆
  5. Yes , this could be , but I really doubt that they have explained them “ this job “ in extend and that there are other apartments as well . Dylan is Italian as we know but I think neither him nor the couple is aware of that . So , let’s see how this first encounter will go .
  6. She showed that since the Day 1 that they arrived .. on the other hand , how can you create any relationship knowing that there’s a couple next bedroom that they have their own place in Barcelona but they were brought by RLC to fill in the place because they can’t find people .. and Tereza , well , we know that if she doesn’t like people , it is better to stay aside 😏, she can be bitchy 😁
  7. And Mr.Rasputin coming to make photo sessions 😏😏😋
  8. They brought very interesting characters , people who really wanted to do things , it all got destroyed some months later . ALL of the newcomers in April have been really good , Azura , Ashley , Gloria , Wendy , Dylan , they were really cool and as you very rightfully say , even Aziza “ woke up “ of her first boring months . In addition , we had Ari from B2 and then we also got Sambuka and Megan and there were things happening . Since the girls who were brought in April left for whatever reasons , it is for sure one of the most boring summer we have seen , it really makes you wonder how they could shake things up for the winter that is coming ..
  9. Tereza and Timur FINALLY are trying to make Gabrielle and Louis feel and understand being part of the RLC Barcelona by bringing them in the villas , Lubna also ( by the way , the others in B2 didn’t think to show her when she had time , like today for example , obviously because they also don’t want to go there ) . It is nice seeing this gesture , maybe Dylan is around later and can speak a bit of Italian with the couple . Let’s see how the rest tenants will be around them and how it will make them feel .
  10. The ONLY person who could really make this show realistic and go to the maximum is of course Fiora , but with the Mama there it is just a disappointment .. Fiora has proven again and again that she can transform a show to a crazy live act but she only serves the B role today …
  11. It’s funny calling me a newcomer 😂🤣 … I know VERY WELL what and why I am watching RLC , I have stated it dozens of times .. But anyway , I let you format your own thoughts since it seems that you are one more who , because I am obviously a fan of good sex ( because obviously the Barcelona project HAS BEEN CREATED for the entertaining , enjoyable , single , free , full of lust and crazy moments RLC experience while the rest of the RLC project is based on the things you mention ) and the good , young , mad life that people should have . Live the life to the maximum , learn before slowly , gradually and eventually as you grow up settle down with someone that can be truly meaningful to you … but what am I trying to explain … different minds , different civilizations , different ideas about life and how to live it .
  12. I thought for a moment we could have the MEGA RECONCILIATION between Ashley and Dylan but it seems i was wrong .. Lacrim keeps on “ alcohol watering “ the guest girl , now Dylan could easily enjoy her if he wanted .. But I guess the HIDE AND SEEK villa games are THE MUST this period and the two bosses are allowing all of it easily , according of course to the “ guidelines “ they get from the management … Poor villas , what have you become … And then they say why “ The Master “ wonders around in B1 ..
  13. From the business perspective , mission is HIGHLY DAMN ACCOMPLISHED , that is top cameras easily and continuously for a long time … From a life’s perspective and REAL DAMN LIFE point of view , it is really SAD and PATHETIC watching once again the MAMA convincing others to make shows in her own place for whatever reasons as she by herself can’t make an apartment worth watched . You have now two older women educating the younger on cameras when the younger could easily make it by herself ( as i believe she will do in the future and when the grief will be slowing down… ) , BUT IT IS RIDICULOUS how a woman that has a child is “ selling herself “ for whatever needs , when she’s got the looks , the personality , the character and i believe she’s smart to achieve her goals easily in the real life … Very very very disappointing and an all time low period for Milena …especially using the others for her benefits , pfff …
  14. If things continue like this in this apartment , the one and only Elli will get to have “ her guy “ achieving the impossible ..That is to become the first ever guy that the majority won’t like more than Paul …. he is getting closer everyday and of course he is the top candidate … you have this woman next to you , she prepares all the time for you , she buys lingerie and gives you some nice fucks and you let her pleasure herself alone … WTF ?
  15. Also glad knowing that my thoughts aren’t these weird as I perhaps at times with my endless bla bla try to explain very analytically 😂.. I think it is safe to say that , at the moment , RLC offers its biggest program since relaunching after the Russian apartments closure but it lacks a great amount of entertainment as it seems that there’s not a common “ guideline “ of what it is expected . I could go into details of what I mean but another time perhaps as I don’t want now to speak/write on the B7 thread about what I believe goes wrong . As I have said , imagine if there was no Sambuka and Dylan in Barcelona and the sex sessions of Gabrielle and Louis , I really don’t know if we have seen in summers the tenants spend so much time on their beds and not either at the pool or going to the beach or in clubs/bars/ general downtown Barcelona and not coming / inviting occasionally friends happening to be in Barcelona or residing there .
  16. SHIT ACROSS ALL BARCELONA apartments and the ADMINS in Barcelona have absolutely no power to change things … Everyone does whatever he/she wants , whenever he/she wants … The biggest problem seems that this now looks contagious and with so many newcomers ( apart Oks ) , it really scares thinking what worse might become Barcelona …
  17. Well well well… something we have hardly ever seen , Tereza masturbating next to an asleep Timur , clearly sexual desire as it isn’t any cameras shows or will .. real moment , very good 😊
  18. Venera and Lion , by far THE BEST REAL LIFE couple on cameras , which actually behave like there are no cameras at all , so impressive when they are just a bit more of 1,5 years part of this site . Real jobs , real relationship and not stupidities , fake things and games , real social life , friends that aren’t hiding and are proud for their friends Venera and Lion being on cameras or having chosen this life , a couple that love each other , strong , passionate , sensitive , two beautiful people both inside and outside , Venera and Lion is the absolute perfection - I believe - of how the original site makers imagined this cameras world when they thought about it and wanted to bring it online . This couple will go only when and if Venera gets pregnant , bright future , a couple that we should all admire and applause on showing how TRUE PEOPLE are nowadays when they simply have the purest and most sincere feelings towards one another 😇 Well done both 👏👏👏
  19. We survived , 2,500 people needed evacuation but nothing serious in comparison to the Rhodes devastation that I have so many colleagues there and the details I know , disaster 😔 People put fires because they get horny watching the planes throwing water , the sound of the helicopters or the non stop sirens of the fire brigade vehicles .. unfortunately two pilots dies because the plane they were and helping for the fires , crashed in a trial of them to throw water … Anyway , life goes on ( no matter how cheap this sounds but it is the reality ) and only the ones who suffer any consequences really feel the fire mania 😔😔
  20. If you could make a database of which the top replays are nowadays , these are the ones that involve masturbations or when an “ unpredictable “ sex situation is happening ( for example earlier when the tattoo guy had sex with Lubna ) or when guests visit apartments . The porn is a word you want to name it here at the forum , all I see is people having sec on cameras , if for you this is porn , then it is another interpretation we gave on what porn is . You like him or not and he usually plays the same record ( however he has stopped now thus much ) , Alladdino is having the right approach way of how the apartments ( obviously the Barcelona ones as the rest are mostly couples ) should be and being presented to the viewers .
  21. A bit of a beautiful - as always - stressful and maybe drunk Elli ? Like something was lost during the night out with her nice friend 🤔
  22. Inspired I see from the LR’s paint of “ Make Love Not War “ 😉😏 I see .. well , let me correct , Lubna is making love with her tattoo guy 😇🥸
  23. I have seen many “ insane / weird “ stuff that people do but I admit that it is the VERY FIRST time I see a guy having a piercing on the head of his dick .. At this moment , I would think that this was just a personal challenge so as to see how much “ pain “ he can take or show that he is fearless . Other than that , no clue .
  24. The same guy who fucked her a couple weeks ago when milena was in Mykonos with Nadia .
  25. I got some thumbnails , I didn’t press them to see what will open but most probably it was from Eliska and Pepik and I thought it was from the apartment that can’t find still tenants as it seems .
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